Dark Journalist: Truth UFO disclosure & Mellon family secrets! Exclusive interview John W. Warner IV


John W Warner IV joins Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt to do a deep dive on his family's Deep State roots as the son of Legendary Virginia Senator John W. Warner III (R-VA), former Secretary of the Navy and Chairman of the Armed Services Committee (KBE), who sadly passed away on May 25th, ​and Mellon Banking heiress Catherine Mellon, daughter of philanthropist Paul Mellon (U.S. Army, OSS, CIA, KBE).

WARNING OF A FALSE CIA UFO INVASION PSYOP Warner tells us that his cousin, Former Defense Intelligence Official Chris Mellon, was carefully chosen to stage-manage a false UFO Threat narrative and that his bizarre pairing with Counterintelligence Agent Lue Elizondo shows that the Deep State is desperate to pull off a massive covert operation. A major effort to keep the Wall of Secrecy on Advanced Technology in place in order to hide the UFO reality from the public is being orchestrated by CIA and DIA officials trying to make it appear that Mellon and Elizondo are whistleblowers after decades of working in intelligence circles.

REVELATIONS FROM A SENATOR’S SON Warner also reveals that his father encouraged him before he died to pursue the truth at all costs and was deeply concerned about keeping America free in the face of massive secrecy by black ops that are buried inside in the government. The Senator also revealed to his son that his activities in Operation Deep Freeze in ANTARCTICA were actually related to COVERT SPACE OPERATIONS!

MEDIA PROMOTING FEAR OF UFOS Warner exposes how the media has fully supported this false UFO Threat operation along with shady politicians like Senator Marco Rubio and Harry Reid. He sees that the media under orders to keep the fear atmosphere going with the a looming UAP Task Force report coming up in June. Warner believes we must dismantle the false UFO Threat operation and reveal the real UFO truth for America and the World

THE MELLON BANKING FAMILY SECRETS He also goes into stunning detail about his mysterious grandfather Paul Mellon who engaged in Secret Intelligence work and kept the company of corrupt CIA director Allen Dulles. Paul’s wife Mary Mellon was a spiritual idealist who brought Carl Jung to the attention of the world and who met G.I Gurdjieff and studied Mystery Schools like Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy. Her early death from Asthma in the 1940s led Paul Mellon to turn further to the dark side with help from CIA Occultist Dulles.

NAZI ROCKET SCIENTIST WERNHER VON BRAUN Warner reveals the unknown relationship of Nazi Rocket Scientist Wernher von Braun to his family and his cousin Chris Mellon. Warner also reveals never before heard details of his powerful family and their place in the elite world of banking and the aristocracy along with rare anecdotes of Hollywood legend actress Elizabeth Taylor who was married to his father for 6 years and his Mother's early interest in UFOs. SUPPORT DARK JOURNALIST NOW! We are 100 Percent Independent and Supported by Viewers like YOU! You can make sure this important work continues by subscribing to Dark Journalist here: https://darkjournalist.com/s-subscrib...


By Dark Journalist / Independent Investigative Reporter

Dark Journalist is an independent investigative reporter and filmmaker who coined the term "Dark Journalism" to introduce crucial areas of research and investigation that the mainstream media refuses to touch. He has appeared on popular news shows including Coast to Coast AM Radio, VICE Motherboard Podcast, served as the Host of the Secret Space Program Conference in Austin, Texas, and held an audience of thousands in his Reddit AMA Q & A Sessions. His cutting-edge video show is a rising star in the alternative media with a growing number of followers and subscribers worldwide. His YouTube Channel has reached over four million views with online video downloads exceeding six million!

The innovative subjects covered on the show include: The Black Budget Economy, Deep Politics, Breakaway Civilization, Secret Space Program, Esoteric Science, UFOs, GMOs & Geoengineering and more! During his career as an investigative reporter he has interviewed many of the premier names in the field, such as Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, Bestselling Author Jim Marrs, Emmy award winning reporter Linda Moulton Howe, Former US Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Ancient Mysteries researcher Graham Hancock, Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell and more! Dark Journalist has a natural and engaging interview style that allows his guests to go much deeper than usual into the complex topics presented.

Exploring secret knowledge and exposing hidden information, Dark Journalist uses his sources, experience and proven experts to provide the viewer with shockingly honest coverage of these exciting and controversial subjects!

(Source: youtube.com; May 29, 2021; https://tinyurl.com/y234uboz)
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