Cyclist sees orange sphere then huge two-meter-tall praying mantis in woods

Location: Warwick, West Midlands, England

Date: July 16 2020 Time: night

26-year-old Paul Froggatt was returning home from a night shift in a dog food factory warehouse. He rode his bicycle home through the woods in Warwick. Driving through Oakwood Preserve and Blacklow Spinney, he suddenly saw a glowing orange sphere hovering over the horizon in the sky. Paul stopped and took a few pictures. At that moment, the object began to move and, as it seemed to the Paul, pursue him. Soon the cyclist drove into the forest and lost sight of the object. At that moment, a strange dead silence reigned in the forest. Suddenly, Paul saw a huge two-meter-tall Praying Mantis type creature. It stood on two legs, was light green, with a triangular head and large oval black eyes. Paul was immobilized. The man and the Praying Mantis looked into each other’s eyes for several seconds. Froggatt thought that the creature was evil and was reading his thoughts, and thought it was going to attack him. Shaking with fear, he began to cry. The creature then disappeared.

HC addendum

Source: Eduard Agon & Anton Anfalov “Heavenly angels or Hellhounds?”


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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