Crop circle: La Manchoiserie, France - A mysterious symbol is found in a field by a farmer in the English Channel

A gigantic agrogram was discovered by Thomas Onfroy, in Sainte-Geneviève, at the place called La Manchoiserie. The farmer is now looking for his author, alien or not.


(Translated from French)

The crop circle, or agrogram, discovered at the place of the Penitentus is 70 meters long. Radio France - Thomas Onfroy

This is a question to which Thomas Onfroy, a farmer based in Valcanville, cannot find an answer. Who can be at the origin of the gigantic agrogram drawn in one of its fields, in Sainte-Geneviève, in the night? A group of artists? Aliens?

The strange pattern, called the crop circle, takes shape with the collapse of some of the wheat strands." On Saturday, 8 June, at the time of the train was a tractor in front of the plot, as every day, remembers the young farmer. I realized that wheat had shed, but I didn't worry, I thought it was because of the wind. But it intrigued me anyway, because it was the only terrain involved. When I arrived there, I realized that it was not due to the wind." Thomas Onfroy then discovers a gigantic pattern, 70 meters long, composed of several circles and semicircles. Spikes sagging in "perfect symmetry, both on the lines and the curves", notes the peasant.

Moon crescents and a string of perfectly symmetrical circles: this is the gigantic pattern drawn in the field of Thomas Onfroy, a farmer. Radio France - Clementine Prouteau

Faced with his plot of flexed wheat, "my first emotion is a little bit of annoyance," said the farmer. Because it's still part of my culture that's destroyed." Amount of losses: "300 Euros". But today, the farmer is mostly in "incomprehension. What happened? I'd like to know the truth."

Aspiring or alien artist?

After discovering his field, Thomas Onfroy uses a drone to get an overall picture of the agrogram. Radio France - Thomas Onfroy

The investigation begins. At the bar-tobacco L'Océane, in Valcanville, no one is yet aware of the presence of the agrogram, located one kilometer away. "It's beautiful, it's an incredible job," says Vincent Jean, co-managing him, amazed by discovering the photograph in the Presse de la Manche, the first to talk about the case. It's the work of an artist, that's for sure."
For Marcel, one of the clients, there is also no question of Martians: "the phenomenon has been known for about fifteen years in England".

The farmer, on the other hand, remains open to all possibilities. "It's almost unfeasible by hand, all on its own," he said. And people in a plot, like this, at the foot of a road, that's noticeable. So yes, it leaves a lot of questions." A crop circle specialist even came to inspect the field on Thursday, June 13: "he was quite annoyed, he could not certify that the agrogram was made by a human." Mystery.


By Clementine Prouteau / France Blue Cotentin Reporter
(Source:; June 13, 2024;
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