Crop circle at unknown location in southern England
Crop circle at unknown location in southern England, reported 26th May 2020
Wonderful crop circle tribute to the NHS and Keyworkers created in Southern England. Location unknown. (Clandestineuk)
Image Cipro Clerc Photography Copyright 2020
The first one of the decade I think. So what do I see here? I see an angel, I see love and care, both given by the angel and for the angel. I also see a keyhole. A view into our very future. The future needs more love and tolerance for each other and the world in which we live. I see this as respect and love for the NHS and all care and key workers, and an insight into a better future.
Finally, given the number of people who will undoubtedly want to visit the circle I cannot responsibly reveal its location. I stumbled across it the other evening whilst having a fly and am surprised no one posted it before. I have no idea how long it has been there.