Circular disc-shaped object, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Brightwater, Sunshine Coast. Queensland. 18 March, 2021 8.30pm

A man was outside talking to his nephew on the phone. He saw a circular disc-shaped object in the sky peeking out of the mist of low rain clouds. He could see individual blue and white solid lights around the object (not flashing) and seemingly underneath, that had the brightness of the cabin lights of an aircraft. He estimated the object to be the size of a 22 seat or thereabouts SAAB aircraft, approximately 20 -30 metres across. He watched it for one minute then saw it disappear into dark cloud. It made no sound. Two minutes later he saw a light high above in the sky but is unsure if it was the same object. Below is the witness's sketch of object.



UFO Research Queensland Incorporated is a voluntary, non-profit association established in 1956 to receive, research and record sightings. We are situated in the city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

UFO Research Queensland's official policy is that there now exists, and has for many years, a large body of well attested sightings which are so unambiguous that the only reasonable inference is that extraterrestrial vehicles are flying through our atmosphere, landing on the ground, and entering our oceans.

We also believe that some accounts of face to face meetings with the occupants of these vehicles are true and honest and provide an important body of further documented information.

As the number of witnesses coming forward who have had sightings and close encounters with UFOs increases across the world, governments can no longer keep UFOs an "X-File" from society. We welcome and invite all who are interested in the UFO phenomenon and desire to face the unknown by gaining further knowledge.

We also support a group for individuals whose UFO related experiences have left them distraught, confused, and searching for answers

Our organisation maintains records of our research and exchanges information with other such groups within Australia and overseas. We hold that the proper handling of the UFO phenomenon is vital to our future well-being, and we strive to help our society to achieve this.

Your support and involvement is vital.

(Source:; March 22, 2021;
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