Brazilian UFO encounter with 4 cyclops beings

This extraordinary ufo contact cases occurred, by 3 boys who contacted a humanoid, cyclops, approximately 2 and a half meters tall. (Slightly over 8ft tall)

The incident took place on an evening of August 28, 1963. In Brazil’s, Belo Horizonte, capital city at 1533 Counselor Lafaiete Street.

At approx 7:30 p.m. Jose Marcos, then 7, was at the house of Fernando Eustáquio Gualberto and Ronaldo EustáquIO Gualberto, brothers, 12 and 7.

After dinner, they went to the backyard to fetch water from an old gasoline drum near a cistern to wash a coffee strainer. Jose worked away inside the drum while his brothers waited behind.

They were surprised when a light descended from the sky slowly illuminating the entire yard. It was a spherical object floating above an avocado tree. The sides of the object were transparent and you could see four beings inside, sitting on benches. Suddenly, one of the crew descended slowly by two light beams.

The UFO was illuminated internally and its walls were transparent. The object was standing and floating nearby. The distance from the boys was about eight feet. Its size was estimated to be around three and a half meters (12ft) in diameter. At the top of the UFO was a kind of V-shaped antenna, with each rod having a sphere on its upper bridge, in the middle was a third smaller rod.

Due to its transparency, it became apparent that the four creatures that looked absolutely like us, except for one curious detail: instead of two eyes, they had a single eye in the middle of their forehead like a cyclops.

One of whom sat in front of a machine that appeared to be a control panel. The passengers were about six feet tall and dressed in spacesuits. Three of them were thin and bald, while the other looked like an overweight woman with blonde hair.

Few seconds after the sighting of Ronaldo, the object launched two beams of yellow light downwards, forming two columns of light. Between these two beams of light an alien descend, lowering slowly downwards and suddenly stood before them on the ground.

The being like the others in the ship above had only one eye, right in the middle of his forehead, over his nose. His pupil was a horizontal streak, darker. Over his eye, a dark spot that was, perhaps, his eyebrow. His face was all red. When he spoke, he showed very white teeth. He had a kind of fanciful face and his head was wide open in a round, transparent helmet, through which his face was clearly visible. His uniform appeared to be made of leather, it was very wrinkled in the parts and corresponding to the limbs and twists. On his back was a “copper-colored” box.

Ficaram observed that the enormous creature, spoke to him in an unknown language.

The creature began to walk in the direction of the tank where the boy José remained with his head stuck inside the drum to get the water. Apparently José was unaware of everything since he was still collecting water. Worried that the cyclops was going to abduct his friend, Fernandos panicked and tackled José. José fell to the ground, and Fernando got back up and faced the cyclops. Now all three boys were now fully aware of their visitor.

Instead of moving any farther, the cyclops moved his head and made hand signals. Its mouth moved and spoke a few sounds that was nothing like the boys ever heard before. The creature then turned around and stared back at the UFO. Fernando, spotting a brick on the ground, picked it up and aimed it at the cyclops. The cyclops suddenly faced the boys again and shot Fernando’s hand with a yellow light from a triangular crest on his chest. Fernando dropped the brick, and all three of the boys became calm and frozen.

The cyclops spent the next few minutes talking to the boys in his language. The boys didn’t understand anything that the cyclops said, but he sounded like he was serious. After pointing one of his fingers at the moon, the cyclops began to walk back toward the UFO.

As the cyclops walked away, José asked if he would ever come back. He shook his head, plucked a plant from the ground, and then waved his hand at the UFO. The UFO shot out two rays of yellow light again, and the cyclops slowly floated back up into the vehicle. As the boys continued to watch, the UFO flew eastward and disappeared out of their sight.

As soon as the UFO was gone, a wave of fear settled over the three boys. José ran into the Gualbertos’ house and hid under a bed. Fernando and Ronaldo were also badly spooked, and told their mother María José about what happened when his dad returned home to check the backyard, he found large footprints, like those of a boot, near the water barrel. José and his friends reportedly never saw the cyclopes again.

The Brazilian ufologist Alberto Francisco do Carmo, who investigated the case, reported that later an identical being was seen 40 years later near the region, this time without an airtight suit. As for the ex-boys, they are all alive and first class citizens.

In the same week of the incident the boys' neighbour, Ms. Zita Ianni, observed a large UFO, of the flying cylinder type, with rectangular and illuminated windows, floating above the Electrical Station nearby.

As for the Testimony of Fernando Gualberto, even after more than 58 years, the witness still holds the same story and has never contradicted any of the details .


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Article "Coming from the Unknown" by Jacques Lob and Robert and Gigi 1983


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