Black triangle with yellow spots evenly within it, Nebraska

Occurred: 2024-10-25 22:25 Local
Reported: 2024-10-25 21:22 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bellevue, NE, USA

Shape: Formation
Color: Black
Estimated Size: The size of Blue Angel fighter jet or smaller
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: 100 ft
Estimated Speed: 100 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object

A black triangle with yellow spots evenly within it. The spots were not bright or shiny but were very obviously yellow. It moved slowly above my house. I thought it was a kite but realized it was too far away and too big. It was silent. My hearing is very good and the smallest noises I hear but it just looked like it was floating. If I did not look up I would have not known it was there. It was much closer than any aircraft that flies by Offutt AFB. It looked like how close Blue Angels fly when doing formations. Slightly smaller than those jets but not by much. It was an unreal experience. I don't believe in aliens but this was something I could not explain. It just looked like a huge moth shaped flying object with perfectly spaced yellow spots.


By NUFORC / National UFO Reporting Center

The National UFO Reporting Center was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center’s primary function over the past four decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events.  Throughout its history, the Center has processed over 150,000 reports, and has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.

The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is this website, which has operated continuously since 1994.   Prior to that period, the telephone hotline and the U.S. mail were the primary means of taking reports.   

The Center’s independence from all other UFO related organizations, combined with its long standing policy of guaranteed anonymity to callers, has served to make it perhaps the most popular and widely accepted national UFO reporting facility anywhere.   The website and hotline are well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC’s and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.

One of the Center’s policies, which distinguishes its operations from most other UFO organizations, is that it makes available to the public all of its data in summary form. Detailed information is made available to experienced UFO investigators.   

The National UFO Reporting Center is a non-profit Washington State corporation, and it is applying for federal 501 C (3) non-profit status. 

(Source:; November 8, 2024;
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