Bigfoot encounter in Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee

I recently received a telephone call from a witness ('CS') and his friend in reference to a Bigfoot encounter.

The incident took place on Friday August 24, 2019 in the late afternoon in the woods behind CS's house. He and his family had just moved to the location about one week before the incident. The property is located in the Cherokee National Forest near Roan Mountain, Tennessee.

CS and his friend were near the edge of the woods examining an area where they planned to soon start constructing an enclosure for goats. CS noticed movement in the trees and was shocked to discover a 7 1/2 - 8 ft. tall Bigfoot standing within 20 yards of him. CS and his friend stood still, but were shocked by the massive frame of the creature. CS states that it was covered entirely in dark brown hair with deep set dark eyes. It stood somewhat crouched as it looked around.

The beast began to grunt, while CS and his friend slowly backed away. Then the Bigfoot suddenly stood straight up and leaned back. It then let out a deep guttural scream that lasted 5-7 seconds, then turned and walked back into the woods.

CS was later able to collect a patch of hair which he believes belonged to the Bigfoot. He also stated that he had been sitting on his back porch a few nights before and heard several knocking sounds coming from deep within the forest. I asked him to keep me informed on any future incidents. I also suggested that he try and record sounds at night. Lon

NOTE: This area of Tennessee in very near where my maternal grandmother was born and raised, which is along the border of Tennessee and North Carolina. I have been aware of many Bigfoot sightings in the general area from reports made be family members and associated over the past 50 years. Lon


By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email [email protected] as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

(Source:; August 24, 2019;
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