Bigfoot carrying deer like grocery bags
In MN I had my closest encounter with Bigfoot I believe. Depends on how you choose to work it I guess.
Anyway it was winter during tail end of deer hunting and I was on my cousins property. It was an abandoned car lot. It had a ravine , or was behind it with a steep bank, on the other side of the ravine was low area we had tilled up and planted corn for crop land and used it for pheasant and deer hunting. Also we planted 3 rows of pine 20 years prior from saplings that had filled out pretty well. I will draw a picture on here.
Anyway it was like last chance hunting last day and I wanted a deer. I had already got my buck and doe. I was on an extra doe hunt I had put in for. My cousin had decided to not go for his, because he was being a puss as it was cold. I figured I might get lucky and fill his tag as well.
This is getting long for an email OMG.
Anyway I went out very early. I figured with the wind and dark I could be out there sitting long before they moved through to the neighboring field that they would go lay in, to be in the day time sunlight. So I was sitting in my spot 2 hours before sunrise.
I had good insulated coveralls and sorel boots with neoprene socks, so the cold wasn't really an issue even with the wind. I figured I would button up my face mask for an hour and then well before day light prepare for a shot and I could ride out the last hour in the cold with face mask off and one glove with one hand in pocket till I saw something.
Any way after I got in my spot I was concealed well by pine trees from direct of travel. I would hear them even with the wind long before I saw them, as the snow had a real good ice crust on it from past warmer days.
After about an hour I heard some crunching and I thought maybe it was later than an hour as I wasn't expecting them to move yet. But I thought well they are probably just snacking some corn before laying down. So I undid my face mask and moved a bit to get some fresh blood to my legs as I needed to sit tight for now till after my shot..
Then I heard and noticed that what I was hearing was more deliberate and was a bipedal walking.. I was oh crap my cousin is coming in from the carlot side..ruining my hunt.
I was ready to pack it in and give him hell..then it paused and moved in a different direction.. I thought WTH. I told him exactly where I would be.. I was getting more pissed because it was like he was insuring I wouldn't get a shot. cause he was walking thru the corn and would take long stops and then would go again for a ways. I couldn't see him or anything I was just assuming by the sound of it. Then it came back to where it had been for a minute. Back to where it had been before going into the corn. And stood there a while.. I was about to yell "over here dummy" when it started to walk again.
It was still a good half hour before the first thread of dawn would show, so when I looked straight in front of me. I could see the tops of the trees across the rest of the field. I could see the last pine tree on my left from the pines we had planted. It was about 10 to 15 feet away. The field rose up to my right and there was a tree line there as well, but it pretty much just looked like a black wall at the time.
The wind was whipping cold from right to left at about a 45 degree angle. I heard it walking towards the end pine on my left and I was thinking, well if this isn't my cousin it was a perfect set up to take a shot if I could see anything of it at all because there would be no way it could scent me with the wind picking up like this.
Now I know it would have been an early shot..too early, but I had it in my mind that if a nice one could be seen I would take the no houses for like a mile and with the wind and the time it was no other fool was out there or anywhere near earshot but me.
So I sat and waited. I kept hoping for the sun to hurry and rise lol as I could barely make out this side of the pine tree on the left, let alone the other side of it. As I waited for the deer..or my cousin..I had my shotgun pointed up now. I figured if it was a deer I would just drop the barrel and..drop the deer.
Any way it hesitated at the pine tree. I figured it could be my cousin looking for me or it could still be a deer as it was the last cover for about 60 years till the next tree line. I knew even though I was only like 20 to 30 feet away, it couldn't scent me on the wind. So I just sat still.
Then it stepped out from the tree. I saw movement but I couldn't see what it was yet. I just saw black movement against black tree shapes as it was a little farther away from the last pine than I had thought I had judged by the sound.
The tree line on the other side of the field was about 4 or 5 trees thick with under growth. I could see a little difference between the trees, but not much so I could see something move but that was about it.. Then I notice something real odd. So out of norm I couldn't understand what I was seeing.. It totally freaked me. I was frozen. But more like out of confusion than fear. I was baffled.
What ever was walking in front of me just a mere 25 to 30 feet away, it was carrying at least 3 deer. As I could see their heads and necks above the tree line from the other side of the field. Silhouetted on the night sky. From where I was where I guessed it was my angle of vision would put the tree tops at about ten feet. I don't know how tall it was. The thing carrying those three deer like a brown bag of groceries. But I could see the neck and head of 2 does and one buck. The buck with its head sitting very oddly on the neck being carried across the field.
I was this another hunter carrying decoys. Then I was like. WTH, that hunter would have to be 9.5 feet tall. And why is he carrying them up in the wind like that. Most anybody would be using a sled if they had that much gear to carry. Otherwise they would need to make 3 or 4 trips.
I was thinking I gotta shoot I am letting these deer walk right in front of me, but at the same time I was thinking crap its another hunter with decoy. My hunt is done, and I was thinking this make no sense. Nobody is that tall. Then it stopped. Midway between the last pine tree on the left and the tree line on the right.
I started to feel fear then because I was trying to convince myself it was just another hunter with decoys and I was losing that argument. It had got to the point where I could no longer see the 3 deer silhouetted against the sky. They as well as the carrier had melded into the darkness of the woodline on the right.
I knew it hadn't seen me or smelled me, but I had the feeling it realized something was in the area. IDK maybe it could see me. But with the wind blowing as it was, I could smell it.. As well as the blood.. I assume from the deer. It was a bad smell. In my mind, I was still trying to convince myself this huge fellow hunter had just killed 3 deer and was carrying them in the dark across a field. Which is ridiculous to say or think now, but my mind was grasping at this point. I knew what it was, but I didn't want to accept it.
It did a yell growl. And in my mind all I could visualize was big teeth. As soon as dawn started I could make out everything inside the tree lines. I was up and out of there and didn't hunt again until I moved to Az. Never have I gone alone since and never out in the dark hunt. Just couldn't pay me enough for that.
Thanks for your time. This occurred in the area between New London and Sunberg close to Willmar area. - Dale Olsen.