Badbury Rings crop circle surprise

A driver whose sports car broke down near Badbury Rings found the road had led him to the Tree of Life – a crop circle pattern in a nearby field.

Pete Coker was on his way home to Blandford on Tuesday when he had to pull over as steam erupted from the bonnet of his MG Midget.

Pete Coker of Blandford took this picture of part of the crop circle near Badbury Rings (Photo: Pete Coker)

He said: “When the steam cleared I noticed someone sitting cross-legged in the long grass and he asked me if I had come to see the Tree of Life.

“I told him I had broken down but he was convinced the force from the image of the tree had caused it.”

Pete said the man had travelled from Vienna to see the corn circle, which had appeared a few days before.

The crop circle near Badbury Rings (Photo: Matthew Williams)

He said: “I was impressed by this crop circle – even more so when I saw it on the internet and realised it was so intricate.”

It is not the first time a crop circle has appeared near the ancient monument. The site at Target Wood has provided circle-hunters with fine specimens in recent years.


By Dee Adcock / Somerset Live Reporter
(Source:; June 22, 2017;
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