A yowie statue in a park in Australia A yowie statue in a park in Australia

Australia and white Yowie - The white Bigfoot series

North America is not alone with reports of white-haired bipedal beings. Australia has a few reports.

It's difficult to research as it seems most reports [especially the earliest ones] make no mention of hair color.  However, I did find these three reports of white, or light colored, yowie in Australia.

The first report I want to talk about was reported in April 1979 by Leo George and his wife Patricia. They lived in the Wentworth Fall, NSW region and often walked there.

Leo George : "First we saw a dead kangaroo with all the flesh ripped from its hind quarters and a few minutes later we came across a massive footprint in the sand. The print was four toed, about 30 cm's [almost 12 inches] long, and we started to get a strange feeling we were being watched. We walked farther along the creek bed, then suddenly saw a shaggy grey mass disappearing through the trees."

Patricia : "The beast was at least 3 meters [almost 10 feet] tall and was too long-haired to be a kangaroo.  It's fur was about 6 cms [ a little over 2 inches]. It shambled away silently. I'm certain that what we saw was a Yowie."

This isn't the only interaction they have experienced.

A few days later Leo and their son Nauton [17] were out spotlight shooting. Their spotlight picked up a pair of red eyes about the size of tennis balls. Leaving the spotlight on the car, Leo started to walk towards the eyes. However, when he got near, the eyes disappeared. He could find nothing there, but he had the feeling of being watched.

Leo : "Suddenly tremendous crashing noises came from the thicket behind us. I was sure it was the Yowie again -- and we broke records getting away from the spot."

Patricia : "My husband doesn't frighten easily, but both he and Nauton were white-faced and trembling when they got home. There's no doubt about it, there is Yowies in the area. We believe our Yowies are friendly creatures and only become aggressive if they are shot at or if they merely see someone with a rifle."

They also report seeing trees snapped over by something strong.

There are other reports from this area of the Blue Mountains which seems to support claims of the yowie living in the area.

The second report comes from around 1847 from "Black Harry" Williams [1837-1921]. Williams was a leader of the Ngunnawol people. He was around 10 years old when he witnessed a large group of aborigine warriors attack and kill one of the Yowie on the banks of the Murrumbigdee River [near the Burrinjuck Dam]. He described it as "like a black man, but covered all over with grey hair."

Last there was a letter written in February 1842 and published in the Australian And New Zealand Monthly Magazine :

"This being they describe as resembling a man of nearly the same height, with long white hair hanging down from the head over the features, the arms as extraordinarily long, furnished at the extremities with great talons, and the feet turned backwards, so that, on flying from man, the imprint of the foot appears as if the being had traveled in the opposite direction. Altogether, they describe it as a hideous monster of an unearthly character and ape-like appearance."

[Just a couple thoughts concerning the description. First, perhaps hairless fingers seen extending from a hair covered arm and back of the hand might - from a distance - appear to be long nails or talons. Especially if the skin color was lighter than that of the hair. As for the "backwards" feet. Perhaps this part of the tale comes from those who were tracking a yowie suddenly discovering that the being was now behind them watching or following them. A misunderstanding that the yowie may have outdistanced them and circled back could become interpreted as they were following the trail in the wrong direction and the beings feet were attached backwards in order to mislead.]


By Nancy Marietta / Bigfoot Researcher and Historian

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of war, has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away at the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

(Source: thecryptocrew.com; https://tinyurl.com/yh5kso9b)
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