An opening (hole, portal) in the fabric of space

During the early evening of July 15, 2019, as dusk approached I witnessed in my backyard what I can only describe as a “hole” in the fabric of space. It was a quick event, but long enough for me to observe and mentally register the event. When I saw it, I was unnerved to the point I left the area rather quickly, but the next morning I took a photograph from the observational vantage point and doctored it in PowerPoint to capture what I saw.

The Event: I had my head down, dragging a pressurized water hose out to the garden. As I ame around the corner of the house, I looked up and observed what is shown in the image. It was about 15 to 18 ft away from me and appeared as a black hole in space, infinitely deep. It hung there for a moment, then suddenly zipped to the right at a high rate of speed, disappearing behind the building shown in the photo. I stood there stuned for a moment, and then quickly moved forward to look around the corner of the building. There was nothing unusual to be seen.

Description: As it moved to the right, there was a bit of optical distortion along the left edge. That is, as it moved the edge itself remained sharp, but the view of the world adjacent to the edge was somewhat wavy, like looking through optical refraction you might see from hot air coming off a sun-baked road. It did not change size or shape as it moved and disappeared from my field of view behind the building. There was no sound or air movement as it moved away. It was not flat in space, rather the equivalent of a twisted trapezoid sheet opening. All of the edges were sharp and well-defined. As shown, there were a few sparkles of light in the lower right hand corner, similar to stars but bluer in color. There were a few pinpoints of light that were brighter than those shown, but the overall size and intensity is basically correct.

The image I put together is not perfect, however it is a very close, solid representation of what I saw. Nothing however can capture the infinite depth or blackness observed through the opening.

((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the source of this report, and he seemed to us to be quite serious-minded. We suspect that he is a superlative, and quite reliable, witness. PD))


By Peter Davenport / DIrector National UFO Reporting Center

Peter Davenport has been director of the National UFO Reporting Center since 1994.  Peter reports UFO sighting cases regularly on the Jeff Rense Radio Show and presents lectures on specific UFO cases, most notably the Phoenix Lights sighting.

In addition to being the director of  the National UFO Reporting Center, Peter has served as the director of investigations for the Washington Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network.

Peter has had an active interest in the UFO phenomenon from his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire.

Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990, and several nighttime sightings over Washington State during 1992.

Peter received his undergraduate education at Stanford University in California, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in both Russian and biology, as well as a translator’s certificate in Russian translation.

His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the College of Fisheries, as well as an M.B.A. degree in finance and international business from the Graduate School of Business.

Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Russian translator in the Soviet Union, a fisheries observer aboard Soviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. Peter  was the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company, which currently employs over 300 scientists and technicians.

In 1986, Peter was a candidate for the Washington State legislature, and in 1992, he was a candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives.

(Source:; September 12, 2019;
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