Composite Bigfoot Sketch by Charles Hanna Composite Bigfoot Sketch by Charles Hanna

A Bigfoot sighting then some odd electronic effects

May 20, 2021- Fayette County, PA.

I was recently contacted by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society concerning a sighting by two people of a tall dark figure in an area of Fayette county, Pennsylvania that has a long history of Bigfoot and other cryptid encounters. There were some details of the case that drew my attention because of other similar accounts that I have looked into in past years.

Composite Bigfoot Sketch by Charles HannaComposite Bigfoot Sketch by Charles Hanna

It was in the early 1970s that my investigations began to reveal some strange elements associated with the eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot that suggested that these creatures might be stranger than just an unknown animal. Trails of large footprints in the snow that abruptly just ended, reports of Bigfoot physically appearing and disappearing, and UFOs and Bigfoot seen together were just some of the oddities that came to my attention. I started writing about those strange details in the early 1970s.

It is now 2021, and these type of strange cases continue to take place over the years. Many similar reports  have surfaced from not only Pennsylvania, but also from around the country, especially in the last few years. For many years, Bigfoot researchers and other witnesses from across the Keystone state and around the U. S. have reported seeing small balls of light and other anomalous lights in areas that have a history of Bigfoot encounters.

Bigfoot researchers have experienced odd electromagnetic effects with their cameras and other equipment at times. I have investigated cases over the years of a Bigfoot walking out in front of a car and the vehicle losing power at that moment. As the creature moved off, the car would function normally. Similar EM effects have been reported with some low level UFO cases over the years.

There were some odd electronic effects described in Eric’s report, that occurred in the vehicle just after the creature encounter that are most interesting. I sure can’t say that the two events are related, however, similar incidents have reportedly taken place.

Here you can read the investigation report of the sighting by Eric Altman:

The (PBS) has a very informative website that will be of interest to anyone looking into the Bigfoot mystery: THE PENNSYLVANIA BIGFOOT SOCIETY – INVESTIGATING THE PENNSYLVANIA BIGFOOT PHENOMENON – Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society (


By Stan Gordon / Field Investigator Researcher Writer

Stan Gordon was trained as an electronics technician who specialized in radio communications. He worked in the advanced consumer electronics sales field for over forty years. Stan has lived in Greensburg, Pennsylvania all of his life. Gordon began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. In the late 1960’s, he acted as the telephone UFO sighting report investigations coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh.

Stan began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965, UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. In 1969, Gordon established a UFO Hot-line for the public to report UFO sightings to him to investigate.

He appeared on The Close Encounters series on the Science Channel, Monsters & Mysteries in America on the Destination America Channel, Monumental Mysteries on the Travel Channel, In Search of Aliens on H2, and UFO Conspiracies on the Science Channel.

For updated reports on UFO sightings and other strange incidents, as well as upcoming lectures and other events check out Stan’s website:

(Source:; May 28, 2021;
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