Uses, meaning and healing properties of pearl


While not a true mineral due to their organic origin, pearls are globular cysts of calcium carbonate (mainly aragonite or a mixture of aragonite and calcite) that form within the tissues of molluscs as a protective coating (known as nacre) as a result of an internal irritation, such as a grain of sand.
Most pearls on the market today don't occur naturally but are cultured by inserting an artificial irritant into the mollusc shell to create the pearl.

Cultured pearls and natural pearls can be distinguished from imitation pearls by a very simple test. Take the pearl and rub it (gently!) against the edge of a tooth. Cultured and natural pearls will feel slightly rough, like fine sandpaper, because of the texture of natural nacre. Imitations will feel as smooth as glass because the surface is moulded or painted on a smooth bead.

Cultured pearls come in many shapes and colours. The most popular pearls are a soft iridescent white with hints of pink or grey, or iridescent black with tones of green blue or violet.
Some of the common shapes of pearls are round, baroque (irregular), oval or rice, button (flat on one side), keishi (freeform), and freshwater biwa or stick. Pearls are an enduring staple of jewellery design. Occurrences: Australia, China, Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Asia, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand and the USA.

Mother of pearl is the iridescent coating of the inside of the pearl oyster shell (soft iridescence) and abalone shell (soft and high iridescence). It has a very distinct multi-coloured shine and a faint glow.
Mother of pearl encourages relaxation, soothes tension and eases stress.

Abalone (from Spanish abulón) are small to very large-sized edible sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Haliotidae and the genus Haliotis. Common names for abalones also include ear-shells, sea ears, as well as mutton fish or mutton shells in Australia, ormer in Great Britain, perlemoen and venus's-ears in South Africa and pāua in New Zealand.
The family Haliotidae contains only one genus, Haliotis. That genus contains about four to seven subgenera. The number of species recognized worldwide is about 100.
The shells of abalones have a low and open spiral structure, and are characterised by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell's outer edge. The thick inner layer of the shell is composed of nacre or mother-of-pearl, which in many species is highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong and changeable colours, which make the shells attractive to people as decorative objects and jewellery.

Abalone will assist the building and maintenance of muscle tissue. With this stone in hand, you will enhance your rituals, prayers and spells. Abalone can be used as a talisman to bring your true love into your life. It will protect you from negativity both produced by yourself and others. ​

PEARL And physical health

It is beneficial for lung diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis. It facilitates the healing of the heart, kidneys, urinary system and liver. Pearl possesses a sedative and also laxative effect, neutralises poison, lowers acidity. 
They have been used to treat simple eye ailments, bleeding, fever and indigestion.
In fact, the pearl is effective in controlling the skin conditions rosacea and acne. It strengthens the adrenal glands, the spleen and muscle tissue. It can lessen hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. 
Pearls also help to reduce allergies. They help in the treatment of stomach aches, bronchitis, colds and lung infections.
Pearls aid in fertility, as well as in easing the discomforts of the birthing process.  As these stones are both cooling and soothing they are recommended for women experiencing a difficult time during their pregnancy.
​This stone, if used on the base and heart chakras, will stimulate the heart, and benefit the immune system.
They promote, sound sleep, prevent nerve disorders and nerve weakness, and can be used to prevent and overcome fatigue. Pearls promote the regeneration of new cells and make the skin smooth fine, elastic and healthy.

PEARL and your feelings

Pearls help to balance the human body’s natural rhythms and hormone levels with the lunar cycles.
This stone will bring you inner wisdom and help to strengthen and nurture the growth of pure love.
It will teach you to open up and find the meaning and the purpose of your “true self.” They enlighten the mind and inspire the mood, while helping you to learn to love yourself more and, in turn, love others more, as well.
Pearl enhances feelings of good will and positive, uplifting feelings. 
​Calms and soothes the emotions, heals the negative inner voice and sub-personalities
​These stones when worn or carried, spread loving vibrations. Wear pearls as an insurance for a happy marriage.
​Pearls and relieve uneasiness, nervousness, anxiety and tension.  They also have a positive effect on people who are inclined to hold in their emotions.
These Moon and Water ruled stones enhance sincerely, truth and loyalty.

PEARL and the mind

Pearls bring centring and a calming reflection, as well as attune you to the ebb and flow of life. They promote faith, honesty, purity, wisdom, charity and personal integrity.  Pearls soothe and heal the negativity and struggle that occurs in your life be it occasionally or for a long period of time.
It surrounds negative energy with light and as a result heals negative thoughts and thought forms
This stone moves negative attachments and psychic attacks out of the aura, helps to release negative karmic patterns and fills the aura with healing light
​During meditation this stone will encourage money to flow into your life, and see yourself using it wisely. Money is energy and squandering it leaves you little in return. Pearls will assist you in manifesting what you need at that time and place. 
​Pearls have water and lunar energy. As they easily absorb both positive and negative thoughts and emotions they need to be cleaned and recharged often, as they will hold the energy indefinitely.  Place them in moonlight to recharge these crystals. 
Pearls help in the search for higher wisdom and truth. It will assist you in seeing and dealing with the truth of your self and others. It encourages you to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. ​Pearl helps you in the search for higher wisdom and truth. ​


Spiritually pearl soothes and heals the negativity and struggle in your life, by surrounding negative energy with Divine Light. This stone will dissolve  any negative energy sent to you by psychic attacks and repels psychic vampires. It moves negative attachments out of your aura then fills your aura with healing light.

Pearl harmonises well with....

Pearl and the chakras

If the heart chakra is out of balance you may have sudden bursts of anger, jealousy or blaming others for any issues that arise in your life. You might need constant confirmation of your self worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others.
With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities.
It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration.

If the third eye chakra is out of balance you may be oversensitive to to others opinion of you and then you belittle the behaviour of others to make yourself feel better. You could be inpatient with others. You might also be envious of other people's success and unable to acknowledge your own.
With this stone, you will be able to open and enhance your intuitive perceptions, creative imagination and visualisation abilities.
This stone will assist in balancing the left and right hemispheres for the brain. It encourages the good health of your sinuses, eyes, ears and the face.

If your crown chakra is out of balance you may need to feel as though you are indispensable in your workplace, or need constant sympathy for perceived injustices. You might also feel misunderstood by others or find it difficult to treat others with tenderness and benevolence.
With this stone in hand, you will able to align yourself with the higher forces of the universe and connect to the subtle bodies of energy that surround you. It will assist you in linking to your past lives and determine their effect on your present.
It will help the function of the whole nervous and skeletal systems of the body.



Third Eye



By Healing with Crystals


Hi Everyone
I have created this site to give you an accurate and in-depth knowledge of natural crystals and their uses in healing the mind body and spirit. I have also included information on colour healing, raising your Kundalini Energy through yoga and other informative sections.

(Source:; May 30, 2021;
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