The Torus: some resolutions are simply harmonic

“Looking back on almost half a century of research, including thousands of books, films, interviews with experts from diverse fields, if I were to pick one common denominator to all the facets of my quest, it would be the TORUS, the fundamental energy pattern that invites our alignment at every level of our existence for us to survive and thrive.”  – Foster Gamble

I was staring at a graphic of a moving torus earlier today (as my nerdy ass so often does), and I found myself thinking about how we could all learn a thing or two from thing awesome shape of infinite and Divine splendor.

You see, the torus, even while all twisted up in itself (constantly, continuously, forever and ever…) it goes on. And it perseveres with continuity and will. It is in itself a system with a purpose and that purpose is to be infinite and it sure does it do a beautiful job.

If you are unfamiliar with what a torus is, it is a donut-shaped energy dynamic that circulates around itself infinitely. It really has no beginning and no end to its movement. It just IS flow, and it sure is trippy. Below is an example of what a Torus looks like: 

A torus is also an excellent reminder to always keep your cup full and never serve other from an empty vessel. And also to let things go. It is constantly taking in and putting out but into itself and out of itself. If we can maintain this flow and balance, it just works, it just becomes the perfect system…right? Well, maybe, just maybe that’s why you see this beauty just about everywhere in nature!

If you are familiar with the torus that you are most likely a fan of Sacred Geometry and it’s called that for a reason. This stuff is literally the blueprint for creation and can be seen in patterns of nature in all walks of life from atoms all the way up to hurricanes.

The torus is the absolute perfect demonstration of balance and resonance with Truth. It shows how when we live as an authentic biological “system” that there is a natural resonance that occurs. Energy wants to move and create and that honestly is why we are all here I believe. To exist in this dimension as an expression of the one Mind in motion as in reality the only thing that moves IS Mind. (I actually wrote an entirely different article on that so check it out!)

And the funny thing is, at the most quantum level, we’re all made of energy, so it’s just like yet another example of toroidal flow in that we are continuously creating and recreating ourselves. Conscious energy, using energy to move other energy, to create new energy. It’s freaking awesome…

So, next time you have an issue that you can’t see to get past or a decision you can’t seem to make, think of the torus and just let that shit FLOW. This really helped me out today when I remembered to just keep moving, don’t stop. This doesn’t mean just let people do whatever or be a pushover or take people’s shit. HELL NO. It just means to throw the shit into the freaking vortex. It means to take a moment to simply choose a path that will resonate a shift, a spark, a seed.

When we resonate WITH life instead of putting all of our expectations of what songs it should always be playing, sometimes it just ends up all sounding the same. And we end up barking about how EVERYTHING fucking sucks! How does that every leave any room for joy and happiness? How would we even know what it looked like if it did show up? Are we even giving it a fair shot? Are we giving ourselves a fair shot?

We all deserve the resolutions our hearts calling for. It’s just a matter of what you finally answer to.


By Tamara Rant / Co-Editor/Writer

Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

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(Source:; February 7, 2019;
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