The spiritual meaning of feathers and birds

Different coloured feathers and birds and their spiritual meanings.

Feathers are powerful symbol of hope and spiritual growth.

A feather is communication from the higher heavenly realms. Birds are free to fly and they represent freedom, and birds are extremely spiritual animals. They fly and glide peacefully in the sky. Humans dream of flying, being free to spread our wings and feel the wind in our face and the freedom of being weightless. Most of all flying represents being free, with a close connection and encounter to our heavenly realms.

Always pay attention to your dreams, and note down in your dream journal what type of bird you dreamed about, and the colour of their feathers. There is a message you’re being shown from the afterlife.

So pay attention.

Birds and their spiritual meaning:

Birds represent good luck and prosperity, love and an abundance of wealth and knowledge.

There is nothing more amazing than having a feather cross your path. It always feelS amazing when I find a feather. It’s an overwhelming feeling.

Birds associated with death and rebirth:

Crows, owls, ravens, cardinals, black birds, vultures and sparrows can represent death, for example they can bring messages of a loved one’s death. These birds work with the spiritual world, and they are wise.

They can pass messages through dreams and seeing them over and over (whether in dreams or in real) life can represent a death in the family, or bad news to follow. It can also mean death of the old you, with a new you ready to be born again. With death, there always comes new life (or, rebirth). As a nurse I’ve seen this personally for myself.

My experience as a child finding a feather:

When I was a child maybe around seven years old I was crying because my parents were planning on moving (to the farm they live at still). I went outside to the backyard and sat on the grass feeling alone. At a young age, I had the sight and was overwhelmed by spirit, as I had no-one to really communicate with regarding what I was seeing, hearing and experiencing.

I felt lost because I didn’t fit in with any of the other kids in our street or any street for that matter of fact. This particular day, it was a beautiful day outside and I started looking for four leaf clovers (I had a real knack for finding them). As I was searching through the grass, this beautiful magpie feather gently fell on my face. I looked around everywhere and couldn’t see any birds.

I was excited as I had a scrapbook where I collected fallen feathers. I heard this voice say quite loudly, “it will all be okay; just hold on.” I looked around in every direction to see who was talking to me, my heart racing at one hundred miles an hour. No one was there, and even with my sight I couldn’t see anyone. I dried my eyes and went inside. My love for finding feathers and their meanings continued all my life.

Birds and Angels:

Have you ever found a feather and wondered if this was a sign from a passed loved one? Or a maybe it’s a sign of a higher power watching over me, guiding me? Is it a sign from Angels?

Sometimes when I miss a loved one on the other side, I’ll ask for them to show me a sign by giving me a feather. Sometimes if life is treating me rough, I’ll ask for a sign. We all need a little reminder we are loved and thought of.

When an Angel or our loved ones in the afterlife send you a feather always be mindful of the colour, they’re trying to tell you something so you need to pay attention.

Feathers and their spiritual meanings:

Black feathers: This feather can be sent as a warning. Watch business ventures and those you’re associated with, including friends. Keep your eyes and ears to the ground. You need to up the protection around you, and ground more because you are undergoing spiritual growth and development.

Watch for people trying to bring you into their storms; it’s a warning of negativity around you, my advice is it’s time to clean house including people who are no good for your spiritual growth. Black feathers are a strong force against negativity, so keep the feather close.

Yellow feathers: Yellow feathers represent happiness and prosperity. Yellow like the sun is about spreading joy.

It’s time for you to be happy. So stop sitting on the couch and live, get outside in the sun. Focus keep and positive mindset and most of all shine like the sun and count your blessings.

White feathers: Angels are watching over you. Finding a white feather means you’re being protected. You have a higher purpose for life that needs to be fulfilled. Stop making excuses and start living your dream, whether it’s the job you want or that change of direction you need. You have a higher spiritual purpose.

White is also means purification, hope and faith. The higher realms are looking out for you. It’s also a message from your loved ones on the other side letting you know they’re ok.

Red feathers: Red is always about passion, whether the passion is lacking in your love life or life in general, it’s time to feel passion in your veins. It’s time to live life passionately. It’s time for security and purpose in life. It’s time to look life in the eyes and feel deeply from within your soul, so you’ll need to stand tall with courage, strength, passion, and power.

Brown feathers: You’ll find you need to ground more, as you need stability in your life. People are attracted to you like a bee to honey. People want to be your friend, so friendships take on a high priority in your life.

Watch the people around you; if they don’t respect you they’re not your people. Don’t waste time on fake friends, open your eyes and see the ones that bring you peace and stability and the ones that don’t.

Green feathers: This may mean success, healing, health, and money. A green feather can be an exciting feather to find depending on what the higher realms are asking you to be aware of. Success, maybe a new job awaits or a surprise to a better way of life and living.

Your health needs to be checked so don’t dismiss any health issues; see a doctor if needed. It’s time for healing, so get out in the green pasture and spend time with nature. Money can also be a happy surprise so keep the lotto going. You need to find more balance and nurturing in your life. It’s time to heal from new or old wounds ground and take time out for you.

Orange feathers: Orange feathers may bring energy, change and success or creativity. It’s time to “fire up”, with orange being the colour of fire. Time to get creative. Change is in its way, and in a big way. It will bring success and happiness as long as you don’t miss the window of opportunity. Burn brightly and achieve greatness. Listen up.

Grey feathers: It’s time for peace. Whether it’s a family dispute or neighbours or work or a personal matter it’s time to resolve issues and live a stress free life. Peace is important for spiritual growth and great achievements. Breathe, love and live. Be a good soul do good things and live life the way you’ve always dreamed. Peace ️

Black and white feathers: These represent protection. It can also mean you’re going through a rocky stage in your life and change is on the way. It may be time to change your behaviour and rid yourself of old habits that are holding you down spiritually, mentally and physically.

Everything will work out, all you need to do is focus on getting the job done, whether it’s a personal matter or professional matter. Change is inevitablel there’s no use fighting it, so let it flow. Enjoy life.

Pink feathers: This is the feather of love and romance. Maybe you’ll meet a new partner, or maybe it’s giving you a sign to bring more romance and alone time with your current partner. Be faithful and loyal; honour, love and nurture your partner. Maybe it’s time to connect with your partner or future partner on a higher spiritual level. Keep the romance alive.

Purple feathers: Spiritual protection and spiritual growth are being shown to you. Learn to ground, learn to breathe, and learn to slow down. Spiritual growth and awareness is giving you a chance to dance and learn the old ways in which you’ve sadly forgotten at birth.

Get in touch with the universe while getting in touch with yourself. The better you feel about yourself the more amazing possibilities you’ll attract into your life.

Blue feathers: You need to kickstart your spiritual journey, as you are being encouraged to connect with spirit. Once this happens you’ll start to experience more psychic connections. You’re an inspiration to many around you. You need to open your mind to higher possibilities, as you have great accomplishments ahead. You were born with the gift of healing hands, so please use them either to help yourself and others.

Spotted feathers: They are showing you it’s time to let go of the old, and move forward. Release your past. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a doctor or friend to talk through the pain in your heart. It’s time for you to live in the future: yesterday is gone and we don’t live there anymore. Stop looking in the revision mirror.

Finding a Multicoloured Feather:

Multicoloured feathers have a really special meaning. Look for the most dominant colour as your number one message from spirit, then read each other colour and keep an open mind for bigger things to come. If you’re like myself and receive regular feathers as sign from a higher realm, then keep a journal. I keep this information, as sometimes it can be forgotten when you first receive the message. I always keep my feathers in a journal as well just to remind me on days when things are falling apart that there is always hope.

Finding a multicoloured feather in your path means you may have many shifts and changes ahead,and usually they hit hardest all at once. Sometimes life will be silent for a while, then it takes a little ripple to become a tidal wave of learning all at once. We all need a hand in the right direction sometimes to teach us and keep us moving in the right direction.

Not everything in life is safe, so stop putting the covers over your head while life passes you by. I myself lately have had this very push, it changed my life. We all love our safe place, but sometimes a push is needed to kickstart your heart (as Motley Crüe once sang) and start to live again.

A multicoloured feather is a massive learning curve, so keep moving forward for better things to come. Many shifts are happening in your life, and it’s time to accept them and move forward in a more positive direction.

So if you find a feather, it’s time for you to learn to fly. Enjoy your flight! When someone hands you wings, make sure you fly high.


The spiritual meaning of a select few birds I’ve chosen that you may occasionally cross paths with, physically or in dreams. I always encourage dream journals so you can always refer back and see what was happening in your life at the time of the dream) birds are also highly spiritual animals of wisdom, knowledge and freedom.

I call these birds “wings of change”.

Falcons: The falcon and his beautiful wings represent freedom, flight, strength, protection and greatness.

Crows and Ravens: These are both Powerful birds. Both birds are omens of death, ill health and bad luck. Also be careful of your associations and deception around you.

They’re a bird of high intelligence, so seeing one represents learning. In some cultures, they’re both believed to be a sign of good luck and prosperity.

There will be great changes in your life, so listen to their wisdom learn their magic open your eyes. It may be a rebirth for you. The Raven is seen as gods messenger for us mortals.

In Greek mythology, the Raven is associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy.

Owls: Native Americans consider the owl as the harbinger of death and bad luck. It’s said “if the owl hoots, there will be a death in the family.” In most Native American tribes, owls are a symbol of death. You must also be ready for sudden changes in your life.

Sparrows: The sparrow is the bringer of joy, protection, friendships and togetherness (team work) a very fortunate bird to see or dream of. Great things are on their way to you.

Eagles: The eagle represents strength, power, honesty and courage. You are about to reach heights in your life. Great things are to come so keep that positive in thought and reach the highest limits.

Peacocks: Pride, honour, beauty, and importance. You need to learn to love yourself again. It’s time to for rebirth and new direction. Shed your cocoon and turn into that beautiful butterfly (or in this case peacock).

Cardinals: You have an extremely spiritual nature. You are loved, and loved ones are letting you know they’re ok. The cardinal is known as a spiritual messenger from the other worldly realms. It can also symbolise power, wealth, harmony and love. So if you’re single, this is a great sign for you.

Doves: The dove is a symbol of peace and love.

Black birds: Black birds represent wisdom, power, intelligence and magic. They’re messages of strength and learning. Black birds are protection so keep your eyes open for deception under you very nose. They can also represent ill health, depression, and fear. Sometimes they’re also seen as omens of death like the Raven, Crow and Owl.

Vulture: Feathers have been a huge part of Native American culture, especially for their ceremonies. Let go of your ego. Be at peace with yourself. Shed the old skin as it serves no purpose any longer. Vultures have long been seen as bringers of death. A new beginning awaits you full of new visions and protection.

Willie wagtails: Willie are a big reminder to stay cheerful and happy, and to remember that life is short so love often; forgive and smile. It’s time for you to find the peaceful things life life.

Hawks: A higher power is looking out for you from the spirit realms. You have a few important decisions to make, so watch out for those who are holding you back. These lessons will hurt, so watch your company and decisions, as you’re in for a massive learning curve in life, be prepared for your journey ahead. Hawks symbolise leadership, wisdom, and understanding. Being more intuitive is essential to having an open mind with a clear vision of success ahead. Courage is needed, and the Hawk represents protection from those who wish to harm you especially frenemies. Be on high alert.

Cockatoo: Cockatoos symbolise strength, happiness, energy, a big change in your light your truth and your future path. Be on alert for opportunities, allow for spiritual growth and old patterns to change. A bright light ahead a new happier you.

2019 Written by Amanda APS “From the Mind of a Medium” Vol 1 available on Amazon.

Amanda APS - Australian Paranormal Society


By Amanda Wright-Tabone / Australian Paranormal Society

My name is Amanda APS. I'm a paranormal researcher, writer, sensitive, medium, empath, and healer with over 30 years of experience in the paranormal field. I have been experiencing the paranormal since I was three years old. It has continued all my life.

(Source:; April 17, 2024;
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