The most powerful scorpio crystals

You are alluring. You are charismatic. You are passionate! Ruled by Pluto, the god of the underworld, and Mars, the God of war, Scorpios are destined by the cosmos to be loyal, fearlessly curious, and extremely intuitive. They have a strong drive and ambition for greatness, which manifests in their ability to accomplish anything they set their minds to. 

Scorpios are a water element, which explains why they seamlessly flow between extreme emotions like joy and anger, a characteristic that reflects the instability of water and how quickly it can change from a peaceful ocean to a forceful storm. Discover the power of healing stones for Scorpio and get ready to manifest miracles in your life! 

Scorpio Crystals

The best crystals for Scorpio are stones that stabilize emotions and enhance the irresistible charm of the Scorpion of the zodiac sign: Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Smoky Quartz, Citrine, Sodalite and Amethyst. These Scorpio birthstones can supercharge and uplift the lively Scorpio spirit, starting with the most powerful Scorpio gemstone, Rhodochrosite. This heart chakra stone helps soothe and stabilize negative emotions by opening the Scorpio’s heart to love. Another Scorpio stone is Citrine, which will boost the already strong determination of the feisty Scorpion. A Scorpio gemstone associated with joy and optimism, Citrine will supercharge your soul, giving you the clear focus and determination you need to achieve your dreams.

Sodalite is another Scorpio stone that has calming effects on the body, which helps balance extreme emotions. Amethyst can also cleanse the body of negative energy by promoting spirituality and a peaceful state of mind. A Scorpio gemstone with powerful cleansing properties, Smoky Quartz helps release negativity from the body. As the most mysterious and enigmatic sign of the zodiac, Scorpios tend to conceal their emotions so they can show others that they have a calm and peaceful nature. Smoky Quartz will bring better focus and honesty to your emotional world. Malachite is a Scorpio stone that guides the Scorpio on a unique path that aligns with their true purpose.  

Scorpio Stone Color 

In the mineral kingdom, the colors of gemstones have an effect on their healing properties and meaning. When you understand the different colors of Scorpio crystals, it will boost your healing powers by helping you choose the best crystals for your needs. Brown stones such as Smoky Quartz symbolize the healing energy of the Earth. In the mineral kingdom, the color brown also has grounding effects that calm down the feisty Scorpio spirit and their characteristic intensity. Green gemstones like Malachite are a symbol of power, vitality and personal growth, the perfect energy for enhancing the best qualities of the Scorpio sign.

Orange colored crystals like Citrine harness the expansive and energizing properties of the sun. For the Scorpio sign, this healing energy brings out their best qualities, including a strong determination to succeed. Sapphire blue is another Scorpio gemstone color that enhances their unique gifts and abilities. Considered the color of self-expression, this deep blue shade gives the Scorpio the energy they need for enhanced self-expression and creativity. Scorpios also need pink stones like Rhodochrosite, which brings the healing color of love into their lives. Pink is a subtle yet expansive frequency of heart chakra energy, giving Scorpios the chance to open their hearts up to all types of love. Dark purple stones like Amethyst help the Scorpio achieve enlightenment, guiding them towards a sense of purpose and spiritual awakening.

How to Use Your Scorpio Gemstone 

For the best results in crystal healing, we recommend programming your crystals with an intention and connecting with their energy on a daily basis. The combination of daily commitment with a focused and clear intention will help you get the most out of your Crystal healing for the Scorpio sign. 

When you add a Scorpio gemstone to your collection, you should also thoroughly cleanse it, which will clear is energy and help it radiate at the highest frequencies. There are many ways to cleanse a crystal, but these are some of our favorites methods: sunlight/moonlight, sage smoke, saltwater, and energy cleansing tools such as Selenite charging plates and copper pyramids. 

Now that your Scorpio stone is cleansed of any previous programming, it is ready to be set with a special intention that resonates with your unique goals. Choosing the right crystal all depends on what you need from moment to moment and understanding the meaning and healing properties of each Scorpio gemstone will serve as a guide on your spiritual journey.

A Scorpio Birthday Ritual using Crystals

A birthday is always a special day, but you can maximize the energy of your birthday by using your favorite Scorpio power stones as part of an extra-special crystal birthday ritual. Use this simple birthday ritual each year on your special day to set yourself up for another year around the sun.  

  1. Two days before your birthday, create a birthday altar with a Fluorite Crystal Candle, a Fluorite Point, and some of your favorite Scorpio crystals. 

  2. On your birthday, light the candle and make your birthday wish. Your crystals and your candle will send your wish out into the universe and magnify its energy.


By Heather Askinosie

Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at

(Source:; October 22, 2020;
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