The five side effects of kindness
Did you know that performing acts of kindness lowers your blood pressure? Or that kindness has the power to relieve depression, boost self-esteem and reduce social anxiety by physically changing the brain? Kindness also slows the ageing process by reducing wrinkles and promoting muscle regeneration. As if that wasn’t enough, kindness can increase the chances of our relationships lasting, cure stress and make our lives happier overall. In his down-to-earth and accessible style, in this talk, David Hamilton, Ph.D. shows how kindness: makes us happier; Is good for the heart; slows ageing;
Improves relationships; is contagious.
This exercise draws on a guided meditation created by researcher Emma Seppala, Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. The author recommends listening to the audio of this guided meditation which can be downloaded from the website. A script of the meditation is included to help you follow it yourself or teach it to others. Read more.