The effect of human intentions on water crystal formation

In Brief

  • The Facts:

    Multiple experiments and studies hint to the idea that human thoughts and intentions can alter the structure of water. Science examining mind-matter interaction has shown statistically significant results, especially over the past decade.

  • Reflect On:

    Why is mind-matter interaction labelled as "fringe" science in academia when the results produced are just as strong as science that's not considered "fringe"? Is it because this type of phenomena challenges what we believe?

Is human thought directly intertwined with our physical material world? Countless publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals have attempted to answer this question, and over the past few decades some very interesting statistically significant results have been observed.

A paper published in Physics Essays, for example, explains how the quantum double slit experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness and its relation to physical material reality. In this case, meditators were apparently able to collapse the quantum wave function. The study received a “5 sigma” result, a rating that was able to give CERN the Nobel Prize in 2013 for finding the Higgs particle (which turned out not to be Higgs after all). The study is one of multiple providing evidence suggesting that mental activity, the human mind and intention can compel physical matter to act in a certain way.

A document pertaining to a study found within the CIA’s electronic reading room explains how numerous experiments have shown that people are able to “alter significantly the activity of specific biological target systems, mentally and at a distance…The obtained bio-PK results have been relatively robust.”

These are just a few examples, there are thousands. Not only has mind-matter interaction been observed at the quantum level, and with our biology, but it’s also been observed in real world examples, where gifted people are able to use their mind to influence objects. These examples can be found within the  CIA’s electronic reading room. I recently wrote about a gifted girl who was able to perform “parapsychological writing.” She was able to write on a piece of paper inside a closed container using her mind. I’ve also written about gifted people and children being able to transport small objects inside of sealed containers from one location to another, as well as break small objects and put them back together again using their mind. These experiment were conducted under very tight controlled conditions.

All available evidence, in my opinion, clearly points the the fact that mind plays a central role when it comes to influencing, altering, affecting and perhaps even creating what we perceive to be our physical material world.

Why is this subject matter studied, observed and validated at the highest levels of government and within the Department of Defense yet completely unacknowledged by mainstream academia?

What Happened: A study published in 2008 in the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled “Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation: A Triple-Blind Replication” tested the hypothesis that water exposed to human intentions has an affect on the aesthetic rating of the ice crystals formed from that water.

The study used data gathered from a three day period, using 1,900 people in Austria and Germany who focused their intentions towards water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California.

 Water samples located near the target water, but unknown to the people providing intentions, acted as ‘‘proximal’’ controls. Other samples located outside the shielded room acted as distant controls. Ice drops formed from samples of water in the different treatment conditions were photographed by a technician, each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500 independent judges, and the resulting data were analyzed, all by individuals blind with respect to the underlying treatment conditions. Results suggested that crystal images in the intentionally treated condition were rated as aesthetically more beautiful than proximal control crystals (p ¼ 0.03, one-tailed). This outcome replicates the results of an earlier pilot test.

For more details, specifics, methods and criticisms, you can refer to the full paper here for more information.

We have some evidence that we can influence the water by by various kinds of energy. We can influence the fourth phase of the water, when the fourth phase becomes ice it’s understandable to us how this kind of influence will impact the kind of ice crystals that you get. So there’s a very close then, between the spiritual aspect…and the scientific work that we’re doing, very nice parallel between the two. – Dr. Gerald Pollack, a professor from the University of Washington’s department of Bioengineering (source)

You can see different ice crystal formations based on specific emotions/intentions that were sent to it, here.

Below is one of many examples.

More Examples & Why This Is Important: Obviously, when it comes to these types of studies there is a lot of criticism, but it’s one out of many that have investigated mind-matter interaction. Sometimes what we believe to be true can get in the way of interpreting data. Non-material science is a subject matter that greatly challenges human belief systems and what we think we know about the nature of reality. The idea that mind can influence matter alone is a thought that is uncomfortable to fathom, for many.

Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, Richard Conn Henry published a paper in the journal Nature titled “The Mental Universe” emphasizing how metaphysics plays a central role in understanding the nature of reality. It’s been a common theme for quite some time. You can read more about that here.

There’s a reason, I believe, why all of our pioneering scientists were spiritual mystics.

If thoughts and intentions can alter and affect physical material reality in numerous ways, from the quantum level to real world examples as linked within the introduction of this article, imagine what thoughts can do to our biology? If thoughts and intentions do indeed change water in some way, what type of implications does that have given the fact that the human body is predominantly made up of water?

A lot of research has been established showing “a significant, complex, and highly sophisticated connection between the human heart and brain, which is driven by our emotional health.” When we are feeling at peace, or feeling positive emotions like gratitude, for example, the heart, brain and other biological systems work together in harmony. This has been termed as “heart coherence” by scientists at the HeartMath Institute.

They’ve shown that when the heart and brain are well-coordinated, united by our positive emotional health; there is a global shift in psychophysiological functioning, resulting in increased synchronization, harmony, and efficiency in the interactions within and among the physiological, cognitive and emotional systems of the body.

According to the HeartMath Institute,

“One important way the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is coherent – experiencing stable, sine-wavelike pattern in its rhythms. When the heart is coherent, the body, including the brain, begins to experience all sorts of benefits, among them are greater mental clarity and ability, including better decision making.”

This synchronization also includes the craniofacial region, which produces saliva. A study published in the Journal of International and Clinical Dental research states that heart coherence “increases the ordering and complexity of crystal structure (in saliva).” (source)

The HeartMath Institute conducted a study using 20 volunteers  in order to determine the effect of coherence practice on the order of crystallization patterns in dried saliva drips. The hypothesis tested was “that states of high heart coherence would result in increased order and complexity in crystallization patterns.”

In 18 out of 20 participants, heart coherence actually increased “the ordering and complexity of crystal structure.” As a result, the researchers believe that this is one out of several examples that show a solid method for displaying the effect of practicing coherence in one’s life, which is induced by positive emotions and feelings of gratitude and appreciation. They also believe that it demonstrates the effect heart coherence can have on the information that is embedded in our own bodily fluids. This is interesting, because, again the human body is primarily made up of water, and saliva consists of 99 percent water.

According to Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., professor at,

Emotional information is actually included and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself, and what we do individually really does count and maters. (source)

Research from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany supports the theory that water actually has memory, and is full of information. This idea was first coined by French immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste in a controversial article published in 1988 in the journal Nature as a way of explaining how homeopathy works. You can read more about that here.

The Takeaway: There is a limited amount of information in this article, but the big point of it is that our state of being matters. When we look at our planet today, people are angry and polarized in their views on COVID-19, for example, or election fraud. More important, or just as important as facts and combating censorship of information, or anything for that matter, is the state of being from which we do it from. We need more love, compassion, understand and empathy and in order to bring that about in our world, we have to be it.

Being aware of how we react in certain situations, and really observing ourselves and being mindful of our emotional state is of critical importance.


By Arjun Walia / Journalist

Senior writer & investigative journalist at The Pulse & Collective Evolution. I report on a variety of topics including UAP, science, consciousness & current events. To contact me:

(Source:; December 1, 2020;
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