By Teal Swan

Hay House, UK, USA, Aust., 2016
ISBN 978-1-78180-668-5 (202pp)

All of us suffer from trauma to some extent.  Clairvoyant and spiritual healer Teal Swan found a way to gain release as she neared the end of 13 years of ritual abuse that started in childhood.  She let herself experience her despair, move through it and find a feeling of relief, of lightness of being.  Her five years of counselling with ritual trauma therapists led to her developing a healing modality that she calls "the Completion Process".
Swan explains how the conscious and subconscious minds work, how we process memories, emotions and trauma, and how triggers serve as signals that we need to address emotional wounds.  She offers an 18-step process of "putting yourself back together again" in harmony with your current timeline.  The steps include creating a safe haven in your mind, validating painful emotions, allowing a shift to a state of relief, and closing the traumatic memory to start anew.  She shares heartfelt stories from people who have worked with this process and overcome subconscious barriers.
Swan's Completion Process is a powerful healing technique that helps solve seemingly intractable problems, creating peace for the individual with flow-on benefits for others and the world collective.  (For more information, including about workshops and becoming a practitioner in this technique, visit the website

(Source:  NEXUS Magazine, Vol. 24, #01; Dec-Jan 2017)


By Ruth Parnell / Assistant Editor/Sub-Editor, NEXUS Magazine
(Source:; December 1, 2016;
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