by Rajiv Parti, MD, with Paul Perry

Allen & Unwin, Australia, 2016
ISBN 978-1-92526-703-7 (217pp)
Atria Books, USA, 2016
ISBN 978-1-4767-9731-1

There's now a sub-genre in the literature on the afterlife and near-death experiences (NDEs):  medical professionals who have had their own NDEs and out-of-body travels.  Rajiv Parti, MD, now joins the list.  The chief anaesthetist at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in California, Dr Parti had a series of personal medical emergencies and in 2010 almost died on the operating table.  Moving out of body, he could see what was happening in the operating theatre, and in recovery he was able to recall details and conversations and report them to his startled colleagues.  
But that wasn't all.  He travelled out of body to visit his mother and sister in India; later they confirmed specifics of what he'd seen.  Dr Parti next found himself about to enter Hell, but his deceased father and grandfather turned up in spirit and saved him from this fate, passing on unconditional love.  Next, he found himself in a heavenly realm where he met angels, archangels and a Being of Light with a message about changing his materialistic, ego-driven life to one of love, forgiveness and healing.  It was a transformative experience for Dr Parti, who went on to set up a wellness clinic.  His story confirms that consciousness survives death.  

(Source:  NEXUS Magazine, Vol. 24, #01; Dec-Jan 2017)


By Ruth Parnell / Assistant Editor/Sub-Editor, NEXUS Magazine
(Source:; December 1, 2016;
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