Reiki is now reaching the top hospitals in the US

In Brief

  • The Facts:

    Reiki, a healing practice that focuses human intention in order to heal another with touch, or at a distance, is starting to be offered at multiple hospitals in America. This is due to scientific publications as well as patient feedback.

  • Reflect On:

    Why have ancient practices like this, ones that have an unexpected amount of scientific validity and patient success, been shunned by the mainstream medical community? Is it because the medical industry can't make money off of it?

Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California and a professor there since 2008, published a paper in 1999 showing that parapsychological studies and their results are far more statistically significant than the studies that are used to approve some of our medications. Not long ago, she expressed:

“What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing and I could see that they had really tight controls… and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fat I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments are tighter than any other area of science where I’ve worked.” (source)

In fact, in 1999 she published a paper published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helping to prevent heart attacks.

Here, she’s talking specifically about remote viewing, but she’s also referring to parapsychology, which includes distant healing and Reiki. Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing in which hands are placed just above the body or lightly touching the body, as in “laying on of hands.” Reiki can also be done “long distance” as a form of prayer.

This deals directly with human intention and whether or not our thoughts can have a direct effect on our biology. We already know that human intention can have a direct effect on our physical material world in multiple ways. This document I obtained from the CIA’s electronic reading room titled, “Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers” clearly outlines that, and it’s only one of dozens of examples.


By Arjun Walia / Journalist

Senior writer & investigative journalist at The Pulse & Collective Evolution. I report on a variety of topics including UAP, science, consciousness & current events. To contact me: [email protected]

(Source:; August 1, 2019;
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