Raise your vibration with the Abraham-Hicks emotional guidance scale

For those who haven’t heard of Abraham-Hicks, they are supposed group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks.  While many people may find the idea of “channeling” off-putting or a little too “out there,” the advice that Esther Hicks channels about the Law of Attraction and consciousness is absolutely fantastic and undeniably effective.  Esther and Abraham are wonderful spiritual teachers.

One of the big things I have taken away from Abraham-Hicks is the explanation of the “Emotional Guidance Scale.”  As explained by Abraham in the book “Ask and It Is Given,” the emotional guidance scale is a scale of our feelings and emotions, in sequence from our highest vibrational feelings to our lowest.

As Abraham explains, to “raise your vibration” it is easiest to travel through the emotions from one to the next, rather than try to leap all the way to the top. For example, if you were to be feeling pessimistic, it would be easier to achieve a vibration that resonated at boredom than it would to shoot all the way to feeling joyful and empowered.  From boredom you could then reach for contentment, then hopefulness, and then continue all the way up one step at a time.

Below is the Abraham-Hicks emotional guidance scale.  Use is to identify where you are emotionally at the moment.  Are you resonating at a high vibration and therefore feeling joy and empowerment, or are you a little lower down on the list? Your emotions always provide you with clues to let you know what kind of energy you are projecting.

  1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  4. Positive Expectation/Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. .Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  11. Overwhelment
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred/Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  22.  Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

From the book “Ask and It is Given,” by Esther & Jerry Hicks

I hope you find the Abraham-Hicks emotional guidance scale useful in helping to identify where you are at vibrationally, and also in helping you raise your vibration gradually and comfortably.  Again, it’s easier to work your way up one step at a time than it is to shoot straight for the top, so be willing to take baby steps to climb to the vibration you wish to achieve!

For full references please use source link below.


By Conscious Life News

News and Articles About Conscious Living on Planet Earth.

(Source:; May 13, 2018;
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