Patricia Cota Robles explains how lightworkers can assist in the purging of humanity’s obsolete paradigms
Patricia Cota Robles says that the way has been paved for a greatly accelerated purging of humanity's obsolete paradigms and that lightworkers can assist in making this essential facet of the divine plan as gentle as possible. And she explains how we can do that.
Partial Transcript
This year, the expansion of gratitude is being greatly intensified by the building momentum of light that we are being blessed with during the eclipse series we are currently experiencing. The beings in light shared with us in VLOG 244 that with the monumental shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that have taken place within the earthly experiences of humanity, the elemental kingdom, and Mother Earth so far in 2021, the way has been paved for a greatly accelerated purging of humanity's obsolete paradigms.
They said this purging specifically involved the dismantling, the crumbling away, and the dissolving of myriads of social structures that have manipulated, controlled and suppressed the masses of humanity for ions of time. Even though this may sound ominous, the fact that these grossly mutated structures, which have caused so much pain and suffering for humanity, the elemental kingdom, and Mother Earth are now being dismantled at this accelerated pace – is actually wonderful news. This is an essential facet of Earth's ascension process.
The company of heaven says that lightworkers can assist in making this essential facet of the divine plan as gentle as possible by taking advantage of the opportunities we will be presented with during the remaining weeks of 2021… This is the moment which we have all been preparing for.