New moon in Gemini: inspiring curiosity

We are having a New Moon in Gemini on June 3rd, 2019. It is initiating a 29.5-day Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month, however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will peak with a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 16th/17th.

We have been in Gemini season since May 21st with its ruler Mercury also in Gemini since the same day. As an Air sign it is socially and mentally oriented, while as a Mutable sign it is versatile, adaptable, and multi-faceted. Mutable signs are the last of each season which is a reflection of its changeable nature to help facilitate a transition from one thing to the next.

Gemini’s energy is curious, communicative, articulate, informative, busy, clever, and dualistic. It has chameleon-like properties and is the sign of multiple expressions or personalities. Gemini is associated with information, learning, writing, commuting, and agility. Negatively, it can be gossipy, superficial, inconsistent, scattered, two faced, unfocused, and lack emotion.

New Moon In Hard Aspect With Jupiter Square Neptune

Jupiter in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces throughout much of 2019. The first exact hit of this energy was in January, the next one is coming in the middle of this month, and the final one will be in mid-late September.

At best this energy can be inspiring and compassionate. Expansive pursuits such as learning or travel may be based around beliefs, faith, spirituality, and creativity. This can be great for mystical experiences and it can also be supportive for creative pursuits such as visual arts/media or music.

However, it is a square which can also reflect the challenging potentials of this energy. We can be unrealistic, overly idealistic, and experience confusion or delusion around perspectives.

We can more easily lack attention to certain details and it is also possible to experience more complications around travel or education when this energy peaks. For some people, overindulging in escapist or intoxicating behavior may also be a theme.

Considering that this New Moon is in a hard aspect with Jupiter and Neptune, it can really trigger  many of the potentials mentioned, both positive and negative. It can also reflect conflict around facts and beliefs. Communication issues and lack of focus can also be a factor. We may also try to overextend ourselves, or be pulled in different directions, but may be be faced with some of the potential complications mentioned above. This energy is strongest from June 8th – 10th.

Venus Trine Pluto, Mercury Sextile Uranus and Square Chiron

During this New Moon and in the days leading up to it, Venus in Taurus is in a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This can be good for positive developments around relationships (socially or romantically), resources, aesthetics, values, or perhaps even financially as well. It can be regenerating, deep, or passionate. Our connections with others can be more real and less superficial.

Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon, will be going into Cancer almost a day and a half later. It will move towards a sextile to Uranus and a square to Chiron which peaks on June 7th. We can be more intuitive, inventive, and original. Positive surprises may also come up. Our communications can be exciting and stimulating. This can help us to think about things in a different way. Issues around our blockages and wounds may come up and/or it can be a time in which we have creative solutions.

Mars In Aspect With Saturn Sextile Neptune, Eclipses In Next Moon Cycle

Saturn in Capricorn is in a sextile with Neptune in Pisces which began earlier this year and will peak again in mid-June. This is great for taking a structured, disciplined, realistic, or committed approach when it comes to ideals, dreams, inspirations, creativity, spirituality, or even anything that involves selflessness, compassion, or healing.

Mars is moving towards aspects with these two planets. It will be in an opposition to Saturn and trine to Neptune which peaks from June 12th-16th with Mercury also triggering it. This can help us to want to act on our inspirations, however it is also possible that we can face obstacles and frustrations during that time as well. If so, it can potentially push us to change how we need to be assertive to ourselves. Also, Neptune is slowing down to go retrograde on the June 21st which can also reflect potential revisions,

The next New Moon in a month from now will be a Solar Eclipse followed by a Lunar Eclipse in mid-July. Eclipses facilitate changes in specific areas of your life which could play out over a longer period of time depending on different factors. Some are more significant than others for different people.

In the month leading up to eclipses we may start to notice their effects so keep in mind that any major shifts or developments might be connected to them. They can be challenging and/or evolutionary to help us in how we need to progress. I will be writing separate articles on them as we get closer, you can join my mailing list here to ensure that you receive my content.

Making Intentions And Things To Consider

What triggers your curiosity and what are the types of things that you’d like to learn more about? Do you need to be more versatile? What can you do to be more original? What inspires you? What are your ideals and is there anything that you can be doing to push some of them closer to reality? In what ways might you be unrealistic?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of it will be occurring at 10:02am Universal Time on June 3rd. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


By Carmen Di Luccio

I am a professional astrologer and available for personal readings. I've been passionately studying astrology for almost a decade and I love it! It is a great tool for me to help guide others on their journey towards self-actualization and personal growth. I am also a public speaker and I do workshops in the Toronto area. Other interests of mine include superfoods, crystals, and love to explore different spiritual modalities. My website is

(Source:; June 2, 2019;
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