Intuitive Astrology: Saturn retrograde 2020
Saturn begins its annual retrograde on May 10th until September 28th, 2020.
This Saturn Retrograde is extra special because it’s the first time Saturn will be retrograding since it entered Aquarius back on March 21st, 2020.
During this retrograde, Saturn will move through the early degrees of Aquarius but will fall back into Capricorn on July 1st, where it will remain for the rest of its retrograde.
Saturn won’t make its way back into Aquarius until December 17th, but once it arrives, it will remain for the next 2.5 years, becoming a star player for many of the cosmic themes destined to arrive.
To give you a little preview, Saturn in Aquarius is a key energy in 2021 due to the alignment it makes with Jupiter. This alignment needs its own article to explore, but this energy is very ‘Age of Aquarius’ and is where we are heading.
But, before we can begin exploring Saturn in Aquarius and this amazing alignment it makes with Jupiter, we need to first get through this retrograde and this final visit to Capricorn.
Saturn’s Final Visit to Capricorn
Saturn ventured into Capricorn back in December 2017. During this time, we have been hit hard with Saturn lessons. This is because Saturn loves being in Capricorn and is able to express its fullest qualities while in this sign.
Being in Capricorn is also like a homecoming or rebirth of sorts for Saturn. Like all rebirths, the nature and quality of the planet becomes stronger and more aligned with where we are heading, rather than where we have been.
Saturn moving retrograde back into Capricorn is like the final step on this journey. It will return to the comforts of its home one last time to ensure whatever wisdom it needs to collect has been found.
This is being mirrored in our own lives too. Whatever work we have been doing since the end of 2017 is going to be highlighted for us, and the Universe is going to make sure that we have collected all of the wisdom and lessons that we have needed.
During this Saturn Retrograde, there is a balance between receiving the gifts but also tying up the loose ends.
During this period, we may feel a sense of reward for all of our efforts, but we may also be drawn to revisit the past and to look things over one last time.
Saturn will not return to Capricorn again for another 28 years, so it really wants to make sure that the work is being done.
To understand what lessons and work you have been moving through, think back to the major themes that have been present in your life since the end of 2017.
Where have you been guided to step up and take responsibility? Where have you been guided to set boundaries or to knock them down?
What areas of your life have felt like you were receiving a little tough love?
The answers to these questions are likely to be the work of Saturn, but if you want to dive deeper, you may wish to go back and read my article on Saturn in Capricorn and Saturn Leaving Capricorn.
What Saturn Retrograde 2020 Brings
This Saturn Retrograde may stir memories of our childhood and our relationship with our dad or the males in our lives. It may even trigger our connection with masculine energy in general.
We may be guided to take a more masculine approach when it comes to creating structure, order, and routine in our lives. We may even feel this sense of needing to take swift action or fix things so they can become stronger and more durable.
Saturn will also be asking us to look at what we have been working on over the last six months, and to think about whether we like how we have been spending our time.
Saturn rules over the construct of time. Even though it can be a planet of tough love, it wants us to be happy with how we are spending our time. It wants us to ensure that we are using our time here to work through our soul lessons and not to get too distracted.
Of course, distractions are a part of life and part of the process, but Saturn is here to be the voice of reason and to bring us back to the path that we know is the right and true path for our soul.
Saturn will not dry our tears for us as we battle uphill, but it will quietly whisper in our ear- “go on, you can do this, you were born for it.”
Saturn is all about hard work but the right kind of hard work. Saturn wants us to work on things that are meant for us and not the things that are not.
Saturn wants us to get out of our monkey-mind. It wants to teach us that we are wise and capable, and to take responsibility for our lives.
Think about where this may resonate for you right now. I know many of us feel that 2020 is not on our side, but Saturn encourages us to think again.
It encourages us to see what we can focus on rather than what we can’t. It encourages us to dive into the lessons that are being presented to us. It encourages us to step up and take responsibility for who we want to be in this moment.
How do we want to come out the other side of this? What do we want to look back and say as the year of 2020 comes to a close?
While it is important to be gentle, loving, and patient with ourselves and our journey this year, Saturn is the voice that encourages us to make the best of what we have been given.
It pushes us to keep climbing that mountain, and to know that we are strong enough to handle whatever comes our way. It is during this Saturn Retrograde that our strength can be recharged.
As we revisit the past and look back under this slower retrograde energy, we can be reminded that we have all been prepared for this moment.
If we look back over the past, we can see that we have been made ready for whatever is happening now and whatever is destined to come.
Look back over your life and see how the Universe has been preparing you for this moment.
With Saturn revisiting this corner of the sky for one last time, be sure you stay open to all the wisdom on offer.
Open your arms to receive the lessons being sent your way, and keep the words of Saturn close to you- “go on, you can do this, you were born for it.“