How to make your own crystal grid

If you are ready to further your crystal practice, manifest like never before, or do both at the same time, working with a crystal grid is one of the most advanced crystal techniques there is. Through specific combinations of crystals and layouts, you can use your crystals to amplify your intentions. Let’s dive into the world of crystal grids!

What is a Crystal Grid?

Crystal grids are an incredibly powerful energy tool to use when manifesting your desires, goals and intentions. At the most basic level, a crystal grid is an arrangement of crystals in a specific layout, designed for a specific intention. When it comes to defining what is a crystal grid and what isn’t, the key is to understand how and why the crystals are placed the way they are. If a group of crystals are set up thoughtfully and intentionally together, that could be considered a grid. If they are simply placed near each other without a purpose or goal, that might not necessarily be a grid. 

You may be asking yourself, what is the difference between using individual stones and creating a crystal grid? The power of a crystal grid comes from the union of energies created between the healing stones, sacred geometry and your intention. The combination of the power of crystals in a geometric pattern and multiple crystal energies working together greatly strengthens your intention and allows you to manifest results much faster than you would be able to otherwise.

How to use a crystal grid depends on what your goal or intention is, as each grid can be designed for a different purpose or goal. Whatever your goal may be, you can create a powerful combination of crystals into a grid to hold your intention and manifest it.

Tools for Making Crystal Grids:

  • A location for your grid in your home
  • A small piece of paper with your intention or goal written on it
  • A center crystal; We like to use a crystal point. This will be more powerful for directing your intention straight up into the universe. But any stone works perfectly! 
  • Tumbled Stones that align with your intention
  • raw clear quartz point for activation
  • crystal grid plate (optional, but we find that it enhances the energy!)

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making A Crystal Grid:

  1. The first step to making a crystal grid layout is deciding what goal or intention you want to manifest. Do you want to bring more abundance into your life? Do you want to maintain your health and wellness? Do you need to boost your creativity? Are you looking to attract love and partnership? You can truly create a crystal grid to manifest any goal. When choosing your intention, be as specific as you can, as this will determine which healing stones you choose as part of your grid.
  2. Choose crystals and stones that are aligned with your intention and that will enhance it. For example: if you are looking to create an abundance grid, you want to stick with the green and gold wealth crystals, such as Aventurine, Citrine, Pyrite. If you are creating a health and wellness grid, you want to use the blue and purple healing stones like Fluorite, Sodalite, Angelite etc. For love grids, pink and green heart chakra stones are best. That being said, there are no right and wrong stones to use, so choose the ones that you are the most attracted to. Trust your intuition! 
  3. Before setting up your grid, cleanse your space by burning sage or Palo Santo to clear the energy of your space.
  4. Write your intention on a piece of paper. Then fold your written intention and place it in the center of your grid.
  5. Breathe deeply and state your intention aloud, or visualize it in your mind.
  6. Set up the surrounding stones in your grid layout. Start from the exterior and move towards the center. As you are placing each stone into your grid, make sure you keep your intention in mind.
  7. Place your center crystal on top of your written intention.
  8. Next, activate the grid. Take a quartz crystal point (it can be small or large), and starting from the outside, draw an invisible line between each stone to energetically connect each to the next. Think about it like “connecting the dots” when you were a kid.

After following these steps, your crystal grid is activated and ready to go! To enhance your grid even more, you can add images, words, or other healing crystals and energy tools around your grid. You can light a crystal candle to ignite your intention, as well. For the best results, we recommend leaving crystal grids up for 21 days or 40 days.

If you want to create the Health & Wellness crystal grid that Heather & Timmi created in the video, here is what you will need: 12 Fluorite stones, 6 Sodalite stones, 4 Yellow Jasper stones, 2 Aventurine stones, 4 small Turquoise stones, 1 Flower of Life Crystal Grid plate, 1 Clear Quartz Point and 1 raw quartz Crystal Point

Crystal Grid Templates

Although the basic formula for building crystal grids is the same, there are certain templates for specific intentions that are extremely powerful. From a crystal grid for love to a prosperity grid, we come back to these templates over and over again. Download our PDF-guide with 11 of the most powerful crystal grids!

In addition to making grids for specific intentions, you can also make grids for the planets. Since each day of the week is connected to a specific planet, using these grids on the day of the week associated with each planet is an extremely powerful tool to manifest intentions. Download our Ultimate Guide to the Days of the Week PDF to get these printable grid templates!

Learning how to make a crystal grid is actually quite simple–once you know, you will never want to stop making them! Although you can use the crystal grid templates provided above, feel free to explore creating your own grids for any intention or goal you have in mind. The possibilities are truly endless!


By Heather Askinosie

Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at

(Source:; March 17, 2021;
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