Here are your ‘tarotscopes’ for December

Tarot cards have been used for decades mainly as a tool of divination. But their purpose is not just limited to fortune-telling. They can also serve as an excellent tool to seek guidance, probe a situation deeply, and meditate and set positive affirmations with to improve the quality of your life.

Here are Tarot messages for each zodiac sign for the month of December. These apply not just to your Sun sign but also to your Moon and Rising signs. These are general guidance messages and may not resonate with everyone. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Have fun reading them, and if you do come across similar situations in life during the course of the month, apply the guidance included in these messages.


Ariens, December is a month of renewal, de-cluttering, and clearing the old to make way for the new. Some areas of your life may undergo a shift which at first may seem chaotic. But through this chaos comes order, so don’t resist. Misunderstandings may arise with those around you, so be clear about what you say and mean. Competition surrounds you. But if you recognize and know how to channel your strength, you will overcome all obstacles. Be more expressive in your relationships. Sometimes words have to be backed up with action. Wonderful moments in luxurious settings are likely to keep you mesmerized. Your relationships will gain more strength this month. An important epiphany will hit you at work. You will find more clarity and a sense of direction about your purpose. You will also need to be mentally active in order to give your best to work. A new opportunity is likely to come your way, Ariens, and it will bring the much-needed mental stimulation you have been waiting for. Stay balanced and practice moderation when it comes to your health and well-being. Healing is underway. Be patient with the recovery you are expecting.


Do you believe in magic, Taureans? Whether you do or not, magical moments await you this month. You will feel supported by the cosmos and your intuition will communicate more strongly with you. Pay heed and do not brush off the inner wisdom that seeks you out. It is also important to not let your emotions overwhelm you. Decisions are best made weighing in the facts and by staying practical. Apply logic and attain emotional mastery. Love can seek you out through social events and celebrations. If you are single and ready to mingle, show up at places where you are likely to meet new people. Engagements and wedding bells are also in the air for some of you. Keep your relationships exciting by going out and doing different things together. If you are already in an established relationship, giving your partner some space and connecting with your friends may just be the ticket this month. Some of you may feel demotivated and disconnected at work. You may be searching for more inspiration or perhaps, looking for something new and exciting that can stimulate you. Opportunities will come by, Taureans. Projects will be offered. Be open to exploring all your options, even if they don’t look too promising on the surface. Avoid overworking, and take a break to recharge from time to time. Important information concerning your well-being will come to light. This is a wake-up call. Take good care of yourself and pay attention to the red flags. Recovery is also on the cards for many of you who have been through a challenging time with your health.


Geminians, a stressful situation is seen coming to an end this month and with this end comes a new beginning. Do not mourn for what is gone; instead get excited because new horizons await you. This is an excellent month to travel to far and away places. Opportunities will seek you out, so just be willing to accept and explore. Singles, it is best to focus your energy on yourself this month. Nurture and nourish your precious selves. Enjoy your independence and fall in love with yourself. Some of you may meet a very practical, down-to-earth person as well. Stay grounded. Relationships in general will require care and support in order to flourish. At work, all may not seem well. You may be feeling uncertain about your path. Don’t rush into decision-making. Trust your intuition. This is not the month to take risks and place your complete faith in others. Gossips and lies may create tension, so stay extra cautious. When it comes to your health and well-being, avoid overindulgence. Treat your body with care and compassion. Watch out for emotional eating and excessive consumption of alcohol.


Being a water sign ruled by the Moon, you are naturally sensitive and attuned to the Lunar cycles, Cancerians. In December, capitalize on these lunar cycles to manifest your dreams. Set new intentions for the New Moon and release what you no longer need in life during the Full Moon. Notice how your energy shifts from time to time and take good care of it. There will be days when rest and withdrawal will be important for you. Do not ignore this need. Your focus should be directed toward the future and not the past. There is a dream calling out to you this month. Follow the whispers of your heart. Things are moving quickly in personal life and relationships this month. Communication will be more swift and opportunities will come out of nowhere. Some of you may travel for love or with your beloved. Spice up your sex life. Someone new may sweep you off your feet. But don’t expect commitment, settling down, and planning for the future just yet. Go with the flow and have fun. When it comes to career and work, don’t let your emotions do the talking, Cancerians. Be firm and vocal about your needs. Take charge. You may come across someone in a position of authority who expects nothing but the best and can be a bit demanding. The only way to please this person is by delivering the results. Make sure you don’t do a choppy job and use your intelligence to solve problems, effectively. You will finally start seeing the results of the efforts you have put into your health and well-being. That diet plan or the exercise program will start showing you positive signs, if you have followed the rules, painstakingly. Be a little patient when enrolling in new programs or starting a new treatment. Changes don’t always happen overnight.


December’s energy offers you plenty of creative stimulation. You will have loads of new ideas and creative urges that can’t wait to be given form. Use this energy wisely and create something beautiful and unique. A new emotional beginning is also in the cards for you. This could show up as a new friendship, a proposal, wedding, the birth of a child, a new offer, etc. Do not dismiss the intuitive nudges you receive, Leos, for they will carry the messages and guidance you are seeking. Your confidence and charisma will win you the admiration of many in personal affairs. Stay positive and own your power. If you are single, be ready to be swept by proposals and date night invites. Your social life will put you in the limelight. Know that you deserve nothing but the best and that’s what you will get. Established relationships, too, can use some warmth and affection. Don’t just be a lover but also a friend to your partner and find ways to make your love life exciting. A stressful situation is coming to an end at work, Leos, and you can finally heave a sigh of relief. The change may not be what you expected, but at least you don’t have to suffer and struggle anymore. You will gain clarity on a matter. If things have been tough, know that new beginnings are very much on the horizon, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. Let go of the old first and stay optimistic. Also, don’t put blind faith in others at work. Stick to tried and tested methods where health and well-being are concerned. Overindulgence may lead to complications later on. Cut down on stuff that can be bad for your health. Make exercise an important part of your routine and do not succumb to laziness.


Virgos, you are called the perfectionists of the zodiac. But there are times when one has to be flexible and bend rules where necessary. Your stubbornness can create many hindrances for you this month, so be open to trying out new methods and techniques where old ones are no longer of use. Helpful advice may come from a professional or a wise person. Do not shy away from asking for help and guidance. This is an excellent month for learning a new craft, enrolling in a course, or picking up a new subject to gain more knowledge. A news of victory is also on the cards for you. Some of you may have the chance to go on a world tour or an exotic new destination on the map with your beloved. Even if you are single, travel and explore new places. You never know how much fun you can end up having or whom you might meet. Some relationships are undergoing a big change this month, for the highest good. Be open to embracing this change and welcome the new chapter that awaits you. To some, this may mean reaching a new milestone in the relationship. Or, it could also mean moving onto something better and new. You may have a restricted view of yourself and your potential when it comes to work. It is time to start thinking outside the box and tap into your potential. You are ambitious and there is a way to make your dreams come true — only if you free yourself from all the limitations that you are placing on yourself. Attain freedom on a mental level first and you will soon know how to proceed and bring about the desired change on the physical and material level as well. Explore alternative healing techniques. Your emotions may affect your well-being and make you prone to mood swings and even a mild sense of depression. Get help if necessary or learn to manage your emotions well. Hormonal changes could affect your health as well. Be more compassionate toward yourself.


Librans, this is a time of doing, not just dreaming. There is a danger of getting caught up in daydreaming and maybe even buying into illusory thinking. An important decision has to be made this month and the fear of making the wrong choice may paralyze you. If you don’t know what is the right choice for you, make a list of the pros and cons of each choice and look beyond the surface. Do not waste too much time daydreaming. If you are looking for love, push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore all possibilities. This may include travelling, taking up a new hobby, and so on. Look beyond your immediate environment and expand your horizons. Struggling relationships could use a third party intervention or a mediator to bring help. Travel with your loved one is also on the cards. At work, a situation could make you feel trapped this month. Don’t let fear get to you. Find effective ways of dealing with this situation. Some of you may need to question your current path. It is possible that you are stuck in a stressful or an unhappy job just for the money. If yes, ask yourself if this job is worth the bargain. Explore your options. Avoid greed and obsession, as they will lead to the road of unhappiness in the long run. Too much stress could lead to anxiety or other stress-related issues when it comes to health and well-being. You may also be more accident- or illness-prone. Take all the necessary precautions for your safety and well-being. Watch your temper.


Blessings and gifts are on their way into your life this month, Scorpio. You may the recipient of someone else’s generosity. Or, you may be feeling charitable this month. Be willing to share your goodness with others in the form of financial gifts or any other help that you can offer. If you are caught up in a difficult situation, help will find its way to you, unexpectedly. Be careful to whom you loan your money. Caution is advised in personal affairs, as someone may not be acting from an honest place. Do not put too much trust in others, especially if you have your doubts about them. Singles, be careful around people who seem too good to be true. Lower your expectations, as others may not always fulfill the promises they make. At work, do not challenge or question the status quo. Instead, learn to fit in and accept the traditional ways of doing things. If you want to progress, you may need to align yourself with those in a position of authority. Build your network and form strategic alliances, as this will help you in your career. Listen to the advice given by a mentor. Rest and rejuvenation are highly recommended for you this month, Scorpios. Do not wait until you reach a point of burnout. Find effective ways to deal with stress. A break or a retreat could do you a world of good.


You will mostly feel drawn toward intellectual pursuits in December, Sagittarians. The focus will be on learning and relying on your knowledge to navigate through the month. A detached view will help you see things clearly and make the best decisions, so don’t be swayed by emotions. A highly intellectual, sharp and knowledgeable person may play an important role in your life. This person can aid you in learning something, but don’t expect them to be sympathetic. Relationships will need work this month, Sagittarians. Do not expect them to work out on their own. Do what is necessary to show the ones you love that you care. If you are going through a rough patch, know that you can still salvage your relationship if both parties are willing to put in the efforts. Singles, your focus may be on work and not romance this month. If you want to spice up your love life, find time for love and make date night plans. Work could be exhausting in December, Sagittarians. Prioritize and cut away distractions to make the most of your time and finish the tasks on your to-do list. Do not overburden yourself, else you may be in for a burnout. Take a break and de-stress from time to time. Avoid taking on more than you can handle and do not hesitate to ask for help if you cannot handle things on your own. Your health also needs attention, Sagittarians. Most of the exhaustion could come from work, and brief periods of illnesses may be seen this month. Seek medical attention when necessary.


The last month of the year brings the energy of completion into play, Capricorns. It is time to let the past go by tying in all loose ends and preparing for a new cycle of beginning and growth. You will notice that situations will resolve on their own or sometimes, an ending will be inevitable. Embrace this ending. Your connection with people from around the world is strong this month and can be used for your benefit. Travel is very much on your cards, especially to a new destination, perhaps even overseas.

Relationships and personal affairs may not be easy this month. Challenges may create a sense of detachment between you and your partner. Financial matters may create tension in established relationships as well. Be more compassionate towards each other. Singles, this may not be the month to find your lucky guy or gal. Do not overspend on dates. This is an important month for work matters, Capricorn. You will gain more understanding of your current path and will know whether to continue on the same one or switch. Some of you may feel drawn to a new line of work as well. You will also get rewarded for your efforts this month. You are likely to achieve a deeper understanding of your purpose. Self-care and nurturing are highly recommended this month for you, Capricorns. Ask your body what nourishment it needs and do things that make you feel good on a mind, body, and soul level. This is a fertile period and news of pregnancy is on the cards for some of you. Spend more time outdoors.


Aquarians, mental blocks may be keeping you stuck in a situation. Try to change your perspective and be willing to explore your options. Where there is a will, there is indeed a way. You also need to work on changing your perceptions about yourself. You have a great deal of energy and potential to take your dreams further, but negative thoughts about yourself may be keeping you from making any progress. Do not feel victimized. Love may seek you out through work. You may find a connection with someone you work with or someone you meet in a professional setting. In established relationships, it is possible that you and your partner may be dealing with a practical situation. As long as you team up and work things out, this will not only strengthen your relationship but also help you overcome the minor obstacles in it. Avoid taking shortcuts at work or dealing with a situation in an underhanded manner, as the consequences will not be pleasant. Work smart but don’t do a choppy job. Others may have hidden agendas, so be wary of putting blind faith in people you work with. Keep your integrity intact. You are likely to feel more energetic this month, Aquarians. Put this energy to good use. Start a new health regime, if you are feeling motivated.


Many projects will successfully conclude this month, Pisces. This naturally puts you in a relaxed and blissful state of mind. Take it easy and indulge yourself a little. If security and stability was a problem in the past, you will feel a lot more balanced this month. Your hard work will pay off. Treat yourself to something nice and special and enjoy the fruits of your labour. It is okay to slow down the pace of life sometimes. If you have not yet reached your goal, keep at it. You are close to the finish line. Selfish and hidden agendas could create unpleasant experiences in personal life. Be careful who you trust in matters of the heart, Pisces. If you want to leave someone or escape a situation, make sure you communicate your feelings honestly and don’t do things in an underhanded manner. If someone seems too good to be true, they are. Do not buy into persuasive talks. You are making good progress at work and word of your skills is likely to spread far and wide, bringing you appreciation and more business. Do not let initial success get to your head, though. Continue excelling at what you do and you will go places. This is a good month for business, and many will seek you out for your services. A promotion may also be in line for many. When it comes to health and well-being, do not be impulsive. Take a steady and cautious approach. Recovery may be slow but that does not mean progress is not happening. Be patient. Continue following your routine and stay focused.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Sonnya Singh / Tarot card reader

I’m a Tarot card reader and student of metaphysics living in Bangalore, India. My affair with tarot began as a teenager and ever since, the courting and commitment has only grown stronger. I read tarot cards professionally for people seeking guidance with their life path and also do events. I strongly believe that we have the power to transform our lives and Tarot is an immensely valuable tool, that helps get an objective view of your life, showing you the choices you have and the likely consequences attached to them, based on where you are in your present. If you’re interested to get a reading please feel free to leave a comment, drop an E-mail or communicate via my facebook page . Readings are available via phone, e-mail, Skype, WhatsApp and in person.

(Source:; November 29, 2017;
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