Healing frequencies (741 Hz) - whole body healing and remove toxins (detox)

Using the session at 741 Hz you can achieve physical effects. According to tradition and thousands of experience reports, toxins are released from matter and transported away by frequency. This differs from the other Solfeggio frequencies, because with these frequencies a subtle (spiritual) effect is often achieved.

A further effect is the strengthening of the immune system and whole body healing. So you can listen to this session for many days spread out, in order to subject your body to a detox process and free yourself from negative influences. You can also combine this session with the Solfeggio frequency at 417 Hz to release negative energies both physically and mentally. You can also find the 417 Hz session on our YouTube channel.

Note: Listen to the session with headphones only. Drink plenty of water before listening.

◎ Recommended use:

Our neobeats sessions are very powerful thanks to the embedded audio frequencies. You will reach a new state of consciousness with this video. Within the first 5-7 minutes your brain waves will adapt and you will feel a change. If you want to increase the effect, start listening to the neobeats sessions daily.

◎ Recommended use:

Our neobeats sessions are very powerful thanks to the embedded audio frequencies. You will reach a new state of consciousness with this video. Within the first 5-7 minutes your brain waves will adapt and you will feel a change. If you want to increase the effect, start listening to the neobeats sessions daily.

◎ Safety instructions:

Our neobeats sessions work best when you listen to the music through headphones while sitting or lying down in a relaxed way. Please do not listen to this music while driving or doing anything that requires your full attention.

The neobeats sessions do not replace a recommendation of your doctor. Brain wave stimulation does not correspond to any diagnostic procedure and should not be used exclusively for the treatment of diseases.

◎ Our promise:

Trust our original neobeats technology and feel the difference. We are constantly developing our neobeats session to provide you with unique and mind-expanding experiences.

◎ The neobeats difference:

Our listening sessions are fundamentally different from traditional YouTube relaxation music. We use innovative audio frequencies and create interactive sessions that are optimally adapted to the programming of your consciousness.

We only use high-quality compositions and produce the neobeats session in our own laboratory. Through this research and intensive testing, we develop the highest efficiency for you. Whether you want to relax, be productive or go into a deep sleep. With our neobeats session you can do this within a few minutes.

► neobeats.de - Veränderung auf Knopfdruck

► https://neobeats.de/


By neobeats
(Source: youtube.com; February 8, 2020; https://tinyurl.com/tpcbvnb)
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