Five crystals for money, wealth and prosperity plus how to use them

Everyone’s been given financial advice at some point in their lives. You’ve been told to save for your retirement, cut down on your daily coffee expenses or diversify your investments. Chances are, you probably haven’t been told to make yourself more energetically attuned to wealth. Let’s face it, a crystal that vibrates with the energy of abundance may be the most diverse investment you ever make—and you probably won’t be telling your financial advisor about it! But if you break down why these crystals have successfully brought wealth into the lives of so many, it really isn’t that out there. Manifesting with crystals for success opens you up to recognize and accept opportunities with confidence. When you approach your financial life with a positive outlook, the wealth will follow.

Crystals for wealth, prosperity and success can provide an extra layer of energetic support as you embark on your financial journey, no matter your goal. Whether you are manifesting a new career, working toward a financial goal, or simply want to boost your prosperity, each of these crystals for money, abundance and success work in a unique way to bring you the wealth and prosperity you are seeking. Combining the energy of these crystals for prosperity with your own intention is the most impactful way to open your life up to receiving a generous flow of wealth and abundance.

What you’ll learn:

  • Which crystals to use for wealth, success and prosperity.
  • How you should be using your wealth crystals for the best results.
  • How one person was able to use crystals for wealth in a ritual with a MAJOR pay off!

Crystals for Money and Wealth

Wealth can mean something different to everyone, and it can change at different points in your life. Whether you are working toward a monetary goal, or defining it more broadly as a state of abundance and prosperity, these are all powerful crystals that can support you and your goals.

Each of these crystals for wealth work in different ways, but they will all have a similar effect of attracting wealth, prosperity and success into your life. By addressing different aspects of your financial life and energetic state of being, the stones help you to tap into your full potential and reach your goals.


If you often feel that luck isn’t on your side, it’s time to add Aventurine to your collection of crystals for success. 

Like many other crystals for money, the green color of the Aventurine crystal represents wealth and abundance. Connecting with this stone allows you to tap into the energy of prosperity, which helps you to attract more wealth and financial abundance into your life. 

Aventurine is one of the best money crystals because it is considered to be especially lucky when you are manifesting wealth. It is also the stone of opportunity, opening doors to new possibilities for you to be successful, especially in the financial realm. Working with this stone also empowers you to create your own luck, and reminds you to stay open to new chances to be lucky.  You never know when opportunities present themselves, but with this crystal by your side, your luck will lead you in the right direction.


If you find yourself feeling like you’re not worthy of abundance, the crystal ally for you is Pyrite. Pyrite looks just like gold, and shimmers with rich, luxurious energy. Simply looking at this stone fills you with an energy of abundance.

This is one of the most popular crystals for money because it is known to remedy financial hardship and attract wealth. It supports your financial journey by filling you with confidence and a stronger sense of self-worth so you can become a magnet for wealth. Through these properties, Pyrite fosters wealth in both subtle and larger ways.

Tiger’s Eye

If you need of to shift your perspective, look no further than Tiger’s Eye.

 This multidimensional stone reminds you that there isn’t only one way to get things done. When you look at a situation from one point of view for too long, you can get tunnel vision. Connect with the energy of Tiger’s Eye to see the situation through a fresh pair of eyes. It reminds you that there are multiple ways and paths to find financial success.

This wealth stone will give you the willpower and determination you need in order to achieve success. It will help you overcome your fears and move past any hesitations you may have, guiding you instead to take bold action as you pursue your goals.


When the negative money mind chatter begins to creep in, there’s no better crystal to turn to than Citrine. Citrine is the light maker and the ultimate wealth crystal for manifestation. When you want to manifest more wealth and abundance, shift your mindset by bringing in the light with Citrine, a powerful crystal for money. It helps you to open yourself up to embrace a more positive mindset.

Citrine is one of the best crystals for abundance because it raises your vibration. When you are operating at a higher frequency, you can achieve your intentions faster. The energy of light that radiates from this stone also supports your intentions in a similar manner.

Green Jade

If you’re thinking of starting a new business or project, and you need to plan for financial longevity, Jade is the crystal to turn to. Jade is not that quick fix crystal for wealth. It’s that crystal that reminds you to stay wise, remain consistent and keep working towards your prosperity goals.

Since ancient times, Jade has been one of the most recognized crystals for prosperity, wisdom and harmony. It is considered an extremely lucky stone and can promote the flow of prosperity and abundance into our lives. Combine green Jade with other green stones to increase their prosperity energy.

Heather’s Top Picks for Crystals for Wealth

One of Heather’s favorite tools for bringing in abundance is a pair of Lucky Crystal Elephants. An elephant with its trunk facing upwards is said to bring wealth, new opportunities and an extra dose of luck. When paired together in Aventurine and Tiger’s Eye, these crystal elephant figurines become a powerful tool to shift your wealth luck. Wondering how to use these crystals for wealth in your home or office? Here’s how:

  1. Place your elephants on your office desk to invite in wealth, opportunity and abundance.
  2. Use them on your crystal altar to hold the space of wealth.
  3. Keep them facing your front door as a symbol of protection and strength.
  4. Keep them by your front door facing into your home to usher in the free flow of wealth and abundance.

Heather Walks You Through These 5 Crystals for Wealth, Success and Prosperity

In this video, Heather discusses why she uses crystals for wealth and which ones are her personal favorites!

How One Person Used Crystals for Money in a Prosperity Ritual to Get BIG Results

After our book, Crystal Muse, came out, one of our employees decided she wanted to try the Money Magnet ritual for herself. Her name is Tiffany, and she was at a point where she was feeling blocked financially in her life. She was looking to use crystals for abundance to bring light back into her life, and have the strength to get through this obstacle. She chose to wear the crystals in the form of our Money bracelets. For 40 days, in the morning, she put on her bracelets, chanted the Ganesh mantra Om Gan Ganapataye Namo 108x to align with the energy of removing obstacles. Then she said the affirmation: I am a money magnet, aloud 8x. At night before she went to bed, she repeated this process.

The challenge of consistency fueled Tiffany to keep going. She wanted to prove to herself that she could get through these 40 days. She told me that at the time she began the ritual, she didn’t believe she was a money magnet. But as the days progressed, she started to believe it more and more.

Just 2 days after the ritual ended, she received 2 checks in the mail from her school. Before opening them, Tiffany assumed they would be small checks, around $5.00 – $10.00, as that was what she had received from them in the past. To her surprise, there was one check for $200…and one for $5000!! Immediately, thinking this must be a mistake, she called her school. They told her there had been an error in their system regarding her scholarship and financial aid, so the $5,200 dollars was not a mistake.

How cool is that? What we love about Tiffany’s story is that her financial breakthrough came from somewhere completely unexpected. It doesn’t always have to be a new opportunity or a project you’ve been working on – it can be from something that’s not even on your radar. And when we open ourselves up to the flow of abundance and truly believe that we are money magnets, everything aligns.  

How to Use Crystals for Money

Ideally, you would pick eight crystals for wealth to use.

They can all be the same or they can all be different, but the number eight is the number of prosperity and will amplify that energy. After discovering the best crystals for money for your particular intention, you can keep them in a small bag and carry them in your purse or pocket. Money stones are ideal to be kept around you at all times, so find a way that you can comfortably carry them with you, in whatever way works for you.

Another powerful way to use your crystals for abundance is to place them in your home. If you have a workspace or a home office, that is a powerful place to add crystals to amplify your wealth energy. If you have a business card, or other financial or business-related documents, place your crystals on top to send the energy out into the universe. 

You can also form a crystal grid in the southwest quadrant of your home, which is the wealth and abundance sector. You can choose the stones and the crystal grid layout that best support your intention and leave it there for 21 or 40 days, depending on how fast you are able to manifest. Working together, the stones will invite in the flow of abundance into your life and your home.

Crystals for Debt

Sometimes, before you can grow your wealth, you have to reduce your debt. If you know you have a tendency to engage in negative financial habits, using crystals for prosperity will help you to break that cycle and establish a healthier financial pattern. For those whose debt is tied up in student loans, health costs or unforeseen expenditures, crystals provide an optimistic outlook that enables you to take advantage of opportunities for growth.

The longer your money mindset is in a state of lack, the more it feels like you’re sinking. It can seem like no matter how much you kick, you still can’t get above water. Crystal energy can be like a life raft during moments like these. It supports you with calm, grounding energy, so that you can look around for the solutions that you were unable to recognize while your mind was panicking.

We’ve all been in a position where we could have taken a risk, or decided to play it safe. When you feel like you’re in a state of lack, taking a risk is extra scary. But sometimes it pays to shift your approach, and do something different. Needless to say, that takes an abundance of courage. These crystals for success will fortify your spirit with courage, enhanced decision-making skills and motivation so that you can transform your debt into abundance. Our favorite crystals for debt are:

Iolite: Iolite acts as your financial advisor, encouraging you to make wise decisions and smart choices about money. Use the savvy energy of Iolite to create a financial plan that supports your long-term goals. Iolite is recommended as a stone for combatting debt because it brings your focus to the unhelpful mindsets or patterns that you engage in. Whether it’s spending money you don’t have, or feeling too defeated by debt to save, Iolite energy guides you to see the big-picture so you can set yourself up for success.

Malachite: Malachite gives you the tough love you need to make the necessary changes in your life, especially when it comes to finances. As a stone of transformation, Malachite inspires you to turn your financial situation around and implement new habits, behaviors and patterns that support you and your financial goals. The Malachite stone also fills you with determination, willpower and motivation so you can take action each and every day. 

Amethyst: Amethyst brings clarity with its calming vibes. When you have a clear mind, you make better decisions. One of the reasons that Amethyst is believed to benefit the areas of success and business is that it elevates mental cognizance. If you’re too stressed about money to recognize or pursue opportunities for growth, using Amethyst can help you relax and collect your thoughts. With a calm and clear perspective, you will better be able to take advantage of opportunities for change.

Smoky Quartz: If limiting beliefs about money are holding you back, Smoky Quartz is here to help you. As a stone of letting go and releasing, Smoky Quartz allows you to hand over all unwanted energies, thoughts, beliefs, and stories to your stone so you no longer have to carry them around with you in life.

Phantom Quartz: If you’re running into significant obstacles and roadblocks on your way to debt-free living, you need Phantom Quartz. This stone has phantoms, or inclusions, within it that represent its growth and evolution over time. Connecting with Phantom Quartz helps you to embrace your own growth and evolution, especially as it pertains to your financial life.

Wearable Crystals for Money

Connecting with individual stones or groups of stones through crystal rituals, grids, and other practices is a powerful way to boost your wealth energy. However, wearing crystals on your body takes your wealth manifestation to a whole new level. Here are some of the best wearable combinations of crystals for wealth.  

Money Magnet Bracelets: This best-selling bracelet set combines some of the most powerful crystals for money such as  Malachite, Garnet, Tiger's Eye, Pyrite, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Citrine, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz. It is also designed with numerology in mind, which enhances the power of the crystals to bring wealth into your life. 

Remover of Obstacles Bracelet: The Remover of Obstacles Bracelet pushes you to move forward and break through any barriers that lie between you and your goals. If challenges seem to keep popping up and derailing your efforts, this bracelet packs the energy you need to stay motivated in your aims. With Citrine to uplift the spirit, Smoky Quartz to release frustration, copper to ground and amplify your energy, and Rudraksha Seeds to expand awareness of life’s beauty and opportunities.

Prosperity Necklace: The Prosperity Necklace was the first original Energy Muse piece, and for good reason. It is designed from a Feng Shui formula for prosperity, and features a red string, Jade, and a Pyrite pendant. Together, these energies boost your prosperity and help you live a prosperous life.


By Heather Askinosie

Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at

(Source:; March 4, 2021;
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