Blue Calcite

Boosts Psychic Gifts, Healing & Dream Recall

Blue Calcite are excellent stones to aid the development of your psychic gifts and may enhance your creativity.

They are particularly useful healing stones for when you are recovering from illness, and are known as an excellent asset to aid the healing of pain, particularly in the bones and joints. 

Blue Calcite

Like other types of calcite, this variety helps to boost the flow of energy within your body, and will help to clear negative vibrations from its vicinity, so its good to keep close by.

It is a wonderful stone to stimulate meaningful dreams and it may help you to remember them, and they are helpful healing crystals for you to utilize with a number of good healing attributes.

It also has a specific type of protective energy that makes it a beneficial stone to have in your home or business, to discourage those who may wish to steal from you.

Blue Calcite Attributes

Most Blue Calcite is opaque, and its color can vary from a very pale light blue, even blue gray shade, through to a brighter blue color. Some stones have white streaks through them and some even have bands of color in various shades of blue.

There are quite a few Calcite colors, and they all have a range of shades in the stone, and this depends on the specific minerals present in a individual stone.

Like other types of Calcite, the blue colored stone is comprised of calcium carbonate, with an addition of other minerals that cause its color.

The included minerals have a strong effect on its healing and metaphysical attributes. Compared to quartz crystals it is very soft, and it has an unusual shiny look, with a texture which is sometimes described as soapy or waxy.

Why Would You Use It?

This lovely crystal resonates quite strongly within both the third eye chakra and the throat chakra. Due to its vibration within these chakras, it has a good action that may assist anyone who is doing any type of spiritual or psychic work.

If you are in psychic employment and need to communicate what you heard when visiting the higher realms, this crystal will help you to express messages from your guides more clearly.

Blue Calcite is also a good stone to use to grid your home or workplace, as it has a protective quality that may prevent theft.

It can be useful to put a piece of Blue Calcite near to any areas where a thief may choose to gain access to your home or business.

If you work in any sort of job where your work is specifically related to a need for clear and honest communication, keep a piece of this stone on you, to aid you to understand more about the importance of the way you communicate with others.

This blue crystal resonates strongly at the throat chakra, and has an interesting way of assisting you to see that communication can be more than words.

It aids psychic communication, both with your guides and with your clients. An exchange of ideas does not have to be spoken communication. Telepathic gifts are related to being able to know what others are thinking.

By understanding unspoken messages, this crystal may help you to realize that how you think can affect the results you may achieve in life.

This crystal can assist you to be more conscious of the way that others are thinking, even when no words are spoken. This blue crystal is a strong third eye chakra stone, that will boost a number of psychic gifts.

This includes improving telepathic abilities, and assisting with the development of clearer psychic communication and may also aid you to boost your intuitive abilities

It may help to remove blockages that have prevented clarity in your psychic visions, a psychic gift that is also known as clairvoyance.

Who Should Use It? 

This crystal may assist you to deal with the anguish and emotional confusion, as well as with the associated anxiety and stress.

It has a lovely comforting and calming action, with an energy that may assist you if you feel emotionally distraught or fearful.

It is a helpful stone that may help you to recall your dreams, and it may be helpful if you sleep with a piece under your pillow or close by you.

Doing this, you may find that your dreams may become rather splendid with brilliant colors and amazing scenes in them. This may also occur if you have had a piece on your body during the day.

Blue Calcite has a soothing energy that may help you if you are feeling apprehensive about any situation in life. It can be helpful to keep a piece on you after the death of a loved one.

How Will It Help You?

It is beneficial for writers to use, as it resonates strongly within the throat chakra, which is the area related to communication of all types.

It is especially useful if you have been suffering from writers block, as it will help you to overcome the blockages and get your writing back on track.

It is an excellent stone to enhance creativity, as it helps to motivate inspired thinking.

It also helps to soothe your thoughts when your head is full of babble that may be blocking the flow of creative writing. 

How To Use It For Healing 

One of the more helpful reasons why you might choose to use the blue variety of Calcite, is its strong action to aid the body to heal. 

If you are a healer, it is a very beneficial stone to use in a body layout for healing, and it can be used at any chakra. This crystal has a number of strong actions within the body that are highly beneficial. 

It is known to absorb energy, filter it and then take it back to where it came from, to create an improvement in the health of the person involved. 

Using it as an elixir has been said to be highly beneficial. It makes an excellent elixir that can be used to relieve pain, as well as aid healing in a number of ways.

Blue Calcite elixir is specifically known to help the bowel and liver. It is said to aid deep self cleansing of the liver, and to help chronic constipation.

It is also a good remedy to use to assist issues relating to the lungs, as it aids the lungs to use oxygen better. There are a number of health issues that may improve by using it as an elixir or in a body layout. 

This includes chest problems such as emphysema, difficulties with the immune system and issues related to a need for calcium, such as bone and muscles problems.

Wearing Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite crystals have a large number of attributes that make them powerful stones to use, and also have a lot in common with other varieties of calcite.

Most colors of Calcite are fairly easy to obtain, and all have the ability to expand your mental abilities and amplify energy flow within the body.

I find all colors of this crystal variety are very useful stones to have around. If you can get jewelry made from this crystal, this would make it easier to keep it on your body.

You may like to experiment by combining the many colors of this stone to see how they work in combination as they all are lovely stones for healing.

It has many highly beneficial attributes and metaphysical qualities that make it a crystal that everyone should own. 

Calcite Crystals are a Pisces birthstone, so you may be able to find jewelry made from this stone.

It is known for its pain relieving action. Keeping a piece of this stone on your body can be highly beneficial especially if you are suffering from a painful health problem.

Wear this crystal near the throat if possible. This is a good place to use this crystal as its resonance at the throat is known to aid communication.

Keep a piece on your body if you wish to boost your creativity. It is also helpful if you are working on expanding any of your psychic abilities, including psychic visions, mental telepathy or your intuition.

Expand your mental abilities & amplify your energy

Blue Calcite is easy to buy, and it can be beneficial to have one of these blue crystals on your body, to aid the flow of energy to help to create healing.

Small Blue Calcite stones that can be put in your pocket are easy to obtain, and it is quite surprising how they can benefit you, in so many ways.

Blue Calcite

If you are a writer and have suffered from writer's block, you may be surprised how quickly this stone works to free the blockages.

On these occasions I have found it beneficial to sleep with a piece under my pillow as well wearing a stone in my pocket.

"The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world." Marianne Williamson.

Using It With Other Stones

To boost the action of this stone to stimulate telepathy, you could combine it with other crystals that aid you to develop this gift. 

There are a number of excellent stones that stimulate this ability, and many of these are quite high vibration crystals.

Some of the most potent stones to stimulate the brain also aid mental telepathy, including Apophyllite, Natrolite, Herkimer Diamond and Phenacite.

There are a number of other stones that will help to boost your telepathic gifts and may be used in any combination for this purpose.

Stones that you may use together include Dream Quartz, Ulexite, Rhodizite, Blue Kyanite, Scapolite, Muscovite, Petalite, Smithsonite, Selenite and Eudialyte.

Labradorite Crystal which is the lovely flashy stone shown below is one of the many potent stones that are known to stimulate the birth of other psychic gifts.

It can be combined with this crystal, as this combination can be very powerful.

To aid your creativity, you may use them along with any of the other stones for enhancing creativity, including the lovely Orange Calcite crystals.

Many of the stones you already own can boost your creative gifts, as you may discover when you check out the article about how to enhance your creativity.

You may choose to combine any of them with this blue crystal.  To enhance its action to aid your communication abilities, especially within the throat chakra, you may like to combine it with other strong stones for communication.

This includes Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli Crystals, Blue Celestite and Aquamarine.

If you have writers block, a good combination is to use it with Blue Topaz, Chinese Writing Rock, Rutile or Agrellite. It is helpful to use them together in any combination to help you to get writing again.

If you wish to develop psychic abilities, including your clairvoyant gifts, combine it with other stones that stimulate psychic gifts.

Use it with stones such Labradorite Crystal, see above image, Blue Sapphire, Sodalite, Hypersthene, Celestite, Glendonite or Lapis Lazuli Crystals.

While this is a helpful crystal to use alone to assist you if you have pain in your muscles, it may be advantageous to combine it with some of the other stones that also aid muscular pain.

Stone known to relieve pain include Kammererite, Amber, Black Tourmaline or Jet stone.


By Liz Oakes
(Source:; January 5, 2021;
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