Astral beings & wildlife

Robert Bruce has researched astral projection and out-of-body experiences for over 25 years. Here he describes the various types of beings encountered in the astral dimension.

The astral dimension contains a wide variety of what could be called non-physical subtle energy life-forms; or as Carlos Castenada so aptly calls them: inorganic beings. Some of these have a positive nature (nice) and some seem to have a negative nature (not so nice). The intelligence level of each type varies enormously.

The vast majority of each type appear to have their own agendas, like to keep to themselves, and in general do not like being bothered or interfered with. Not counting high-level beings like demigods, angels and spirit masters, they range from friendly and helpful, to occasionally helpful, to playful, to neutral, to mischievous, to malicious, to downright nasty and evil.

Inorganic beings appear in a wide variety of illusory forms. Some of the less intelligent types seem animalistic and predatory by nature, much like the animal and insect wildlife found in the physical dimension. I call the less intelligent, animalistic and negative types simply, Astral Wildlife. Although these all appear to come from somewhere in or near the astral dimension, many of these are capable of operating in the real time zone. And some of these, unfortunately, delight in tormenting projectors, especially new ones.

You can find absolutely anything in the astral planes, given the fluid nature of its many internal environments. In a way, the astral can be likened to the ocean: there are fish, shellfish, octopus, dolphins, whales, sharks, barracuda, sea snakes, crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, turtles, seals and penguins, etc, etc. Some of the ocean wildlife is friendly, some is harmless, some are only harmful when disturbed, annoyed or hungry, some can be unintentionally harmful, and others are downright dangerous all the time. There are also many travelers, some even from far off lands, found sailing, flying or swimming thereabouts.

Although many parts of the astral planes appear to be full of life, it is fairly rare to meet up with interested beings whilst traveling there, but it does happen occasionally. Just about every astral plane and realm has some kind of local inhabitants. These life forms often live in specific areas or realms, and often seem quite unaware there is any other reality or dimensional level than their own. They are often amazed when they meet an astral traveler. Other types you'll meet seem to be well aware of other dimensions, but most seem to have little patience with projectors and tend to ignore them.

In a way, approaching astral beings you do not know is very much like approaching strangers in the physical dimension. Most strangers ignore other people, even when politely asked directions or questions. Strangers will, at best, give cursory answers as they hurry away while actively trying to ignore you. Astral beings, like most strangers, don't seem to enjoy getting involved with the affairs of strangers, usually having much more important things to do with their time.

While projecting, you'll also occasionally meet up with other projectors like yourself, but most of these will not even be aware they are projecting. It seems that the awareness and memories projectors have of their physical existence, of who and what they are, varies greatly. Many seem as if they are sleepwalking or dreaming, or are just going along with the flow of life and events in an astral realm, as if they were a part of it and actually lived there. They are often quite surprised when it is pointed out to them that they can fly, etc.

I suspect this variability in awareness and memory is caused by many factors, such as: energetic development and activity, the amount of energy flowing into the projected double from its physical/etheric body, and whether or not a projector has made a conscious exit or not and has retained awareness afterwards. The conscious exit out-of-body seems to cause a much greater flow of energy into the projected double than is usually available to sleep projectors. It is also possible that the unbroken continuance of awareness provided by a conscious exit projection removes much of the dreamlike qualities associated with existing in other dimensions.

The most important thing to realize about any beings, intelligent or otherwise, you might come across in the astral is that they are not all dream beings or creations of your own subconscious mind. They usually have their own life, meaning and purpose; whatever that might be. They are, in most cases, not mere decorations to be toyed with or used by any passing astral traveler. Most astral beings do not seem to appreciate being questioned and annoyed, by what may seem like to them to be a constant stream of lost and meddlesome astral travelers.

For all the above, some astral beings will converse with and even actively help and encourage astral travelers, especially if projectors are courteous and sincere in their approach. Like attracts like in the astral planes and, if you are friendly and sincere, you are thus far more likely to meet beings who are also friendly and sincere.

Case History

This case history shows a projector meeting and interacting with an astral being, or another projector (hard to say which) as well as showing some other interesting aspects of projection.

  1. "Mr.R": I woke around 4:00am and couldn't get back to sleep. So turned on the radio very softly. I decided to attempt an OBE by laying on my back. Its difficult for me to fall asleep on my back, but that's the best position for me to OBE from. Every time I've been on my back and experienced paralysis and vibrations, and I'm ready to try exiting my body, my throat muscles close up and I can't breathe, which startles and wakes me up. But last night, I tried a little trick that has worked for me before. I lay on my back with my head slightly turned to one side. This prevents my throat from closing up.

  2. After the exit, I soon found myself on a sunny rock cliff overlooking an ocean. A beautiful woman was there in a swim suit, with her back to me. I wanted her sexually and, thinking she was just a dream creation of mine and not a real person, I thought I could do anything I wanted, so put my hand on her shoulder. As she turned, I noticed she was protecting a little girl in a swimsuit who was cradled in her arms. I backed away and the scene started getting a little wavy. I remembered to look quickly at my hands and the scene stabilized again.
  3. I thought, "Wait a minute, Robert Bruce warned me these could be REAL spiritual entities or other projectors, and not just dream-beings." As I thought this, I felt something very WARM coming from the woman. She turned around to face me, smiled and then left. I intuitively KNEW she was aware that I was new at this and didn't really mean to bother or harm her. She didn't speak, scream or cry out. She just faded away. Then I thought "I'm going to start treating all dream figures with respect from now on." and dived off the cliff, floated out into the harbor and then flew out over the sea.
  4. I thought of going back to my room and looking at my body sleeping. Suddenly, the ocean disappeared and everything turned white. I heard two short whistle sounds and I was suddenly back in my room, opposite the bed and my body. I knew I had to stay calm, and I did. But I swear, my first thought was, "I can't wait to tell Robert!" I just floated there for some time, delighting in the feeling of floating and of being out of my body!
  5. Then I noticed something odd. I couldn't see my physical body properly! I looked harder at the bed but could only see a faint depression, showing the outline of my body where it should be. I must have looked too hard and focused UPON THE BODY, because I was then sucked backed into it. This felt like something was rushing INTO my physical body..

My Comments

  1. This shows how unnoticed breathing problems like sleep apnea can affect projection. It also shows how the resting position can affect projection.

  2. Rod shifted straight into an astral plane after his first conscious exit. It shows how he stabilized a reality fluctuation by briefly looking at his hands.
  3. A revelation, as Rod discovers that some people in the astral may actually be real people, travelers just like himself or real astral beings, and deserving of respect and consideration. It also shows a touching empathic exchange as the woman expresses her appreciation towards him for his realization and concern (warm feeling) before leaving.
  4. Shows how you can return close to your physical body and convert an astral projection into a real time projection if you think about or feel for your physical body.
  5. Reality fluctuations are apparent upon Rod's return (invisible physical body). His subconscious mind may not have been able to accept the existence of two bodies at the same time. It also shows his re-entry as being perceived by his physical body rather than by his projected double. He felt something rushing into his physical body, from his physical body's perspective, and not his projected double rushing into his physical body. This shows the physical/etheric body and mind were disturbed by and became aware of his re-entry. His physical body and mind were woken up for the reentry, allowing for a perfect shadow memory download, which shows mind-split effects at work here.

More Comments

Projecting into the astral planes is a lot like going for a swim in the ocean. You'll rarely see anything big or intelligent, and even more rarely will you come across anything truly dangerous. You will, in the astral ocean, mainly come across harmless fish, seals and dolphins, occasionally meeting other swimmers like yourself in passing (swimmers = other projectors).

The best conduct and safety rule during any type of projection is to keep to yourself, always be polite, and to mind your own business unless approached or invited to do otherwise. And, always be ready to move quickly away if anything strange or threatening happens, or if you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Only very rarely will a projector come across advanced spiritual beings, and even more rarely will they encounter angels. In my opinion, angels are a race of highly advanced spiritual beings. They most definitely exist. I have seen angels many times, in OBE's and visions, as well as with my bare eyes on a few rare and precious occasions.

Angels are impossible to track down or find intentionally during an OBE. They are especially rare in the real time zone and low to mid astral planes. You will occasionally come across them accidentally, especially in the high-astral and mental dimension. Angels and other advanced spiritual beings seem to only make themselves visible when they have a very good reason for doing so. They are definitely not the type to stop and chat in passing.

Angels and advanced spirit beings, unlike most astral inhabitants, do not appear limited to any particular plane or dimension level. They have the ability, I believe, to manifest in any level, even in the real time zone and the physical dimension itself. They have the ability to enfold lesser beings in their energy and temporarily transport them into other dimensional levels. In this way, they will often be seen helping the spirits of deceased people to manifest temporarily in the real time zone, or even to help them appear visibly in the physical dimension itself. This is something like a brief visit manifestation, and this kind of thing always has very good reasons behind it, although those reasons may not be apparent at the time.

To add to the above, and purely for interest's sake: I have seen many spirits manifesting in the physical dimension, due to the nature of my mystical work and clairvoyant ability. Each time, I have seen at least one advanced being, sometimes even an angel, at work in the background. The spirits brought back in this way are always enfolded in a flood of brilliant-silver light.

Typically, a spirit manifestation like this will begin with a strong build up of energy in the room, accompanied by many silver motes and tiny sparkles of light. A tangible aura of power and presence spreads throughout the room and the atmosphere becomes electric. A narrow, vertical shaft of brilliant-silver light then appears and quickly expands, as if curtains of light were being drawn apart just wide enough for a person to walk through. A huge gush of brilliant-silver light, along with a tangible feeling of power, excitement and love spills through this parting in the dimensional veil. The visiting deceased spirit then simply walks through this opening and stands just inside the room, bathed and held within this pool of light.

At this time, if you have the sight and you look further back into the light behind the deceased spirit, you will usually see at least one advanced spirit being or angel standing there, as if patiently waiting a dozen or so feet behind the spirit visitor. A deceased relative or friend of the visiting spirit will also often be seen standing just behind and to the side of the spirit visitor, often holding their hand or resting a hand on their shoulder.

Lower Sub-Plane Wildlife

The most troublesome types of astral wildlife appear to come from the notorious lower astral sub-planes. These contain the darker and more negative aspects of the astral planes. These can be likened to parallel shadows of the more positively oriented parts of the astral planes. While still a part of the astral planes, technically speaking, they are a distinctly separate aspect or part of it, containing all the darker qualities. Another way of looking at this is to consider this to be the night side of the astral planes, something like the dark side of the moon that never gets any light from the Sun.

Low astral wildlife are normally only capable of operating in dimensions similar to or lower than their dimension of origin. This is a reasonable suggestion, based on them having energetic limitations set by their nature and dimensional level of origin. Some of these beings do seem capable of operating in the real time zone. The real time zone can be thought of as being fairly neutral territory, dimensionally speaking.

All lower types, regardless of classification or origin, appear to be predatory loners by nature. They also appear to have varying degrees of strength, intelligence and ability. By nature, all negative beings exhibit a cold and almost insect-like nature. Higher feelings like love, compassion and mercy are totally alien to them. This does not, however, mean they are evil in the strictest sense of the word. It just means they have no higher feelings whatsoever. Just as a garden spider has no higher feelings, it is not evil for killing and eating a beautiful butterfly. It is a spider and therefore acts according to its nature, and spiders need to feed on insects to survive.

From my experience, negative types do not work well together, regardless of any possible shared origins. They usually appear to be quite aggressive and combative towards each other, which results in a distinct pecking order whenever they are found together. I believe, groups of astral wildlife only appear to be working together if they are encountered as doing such. They may sometimes be forced to work together, temporarily, through circumstances where they have a common interest or need.

Astral wildlife can manifest in an enormous variety of illusory and changeable forms. A regular favorite is the form of an ugly grinning monkey. The gargoyle and harpy forms are also quite common. Some of them seem to prefer a more traditional horned demon-type of look, while others go for a more contemporary appearance. These latter forms are possibly modeled on horror movies and TV shows, or even from the modern nightmares of mankind.

The size and appearance of an entity, as seen by a projector, or with real time or astral sight, gives no any fair indication of its actual strength and intelligence. Many small and weak entities seem to delight in looking big and dangerous. This is much like how an animal will fluff up its fur to make itself seem bigger that it really is during a confrontation. Stronger and more intelligent entities, however, do not seem to bother overmuch with pretense and may even use their original form, if they have one that is. I have seen entities the size of polar bears run screaming when "BOO!" is said to them. And, I have seen others the size and appearance of large rats that I would not interfere with by choice.

Many entities seem to choose a form they have taken from the mind of a projector, which indicates some degree of telepathic ability. They use this to generate the maximum level of fear possible. This is a very good reason for projectors to keep their minds clear and mask their true feelings when they encounter or are forced to deal with astral wildlife.

The weaker and by far the most common types of astral wildlife, those responsible for the majority of Elemental and Dweller-type scare attacks, (See Astral Dynamics), seem to have very little power of their own. These are fairly weak, timid creatures and their appearance is always a greatly exaggerated illusion. They will usually beat a hasty retreat whenever approached by a projector with a firm or confrontational attitude. Most negative entities dislike direct attention and actively avoid being seen. They will thus generally avoid direct encounters with projectors, preferring to use illusion to do their mischief for them. This is especially so with more experienced projectors who are far more likely to fight back.

Some types of astral wildlife seem attracted to, and possibly even to feed upon, the energetic vibrations generated and broadcast by overly fearful projectors. Once encountered, continued fear and timidity, on the part of a projector, seems to make astral wildlife more aggressive. Their intimidating behavior is, however, always minus any kind of direct attack. This indicates they are not capable of mounting a direct attack on a projector, and my experience supports this. Increased and continuing fear on the part of a projector will often attract others of the same type, thus increasing their numbers and making things generally worse for a projector. For all this, the appearance of these types is still quite rare.

The vast majority of astral wildlife do not, I believe, have the power to directly injure a projector, but caution is always advised in these matters. It is commonly thought that non-physical entities of any type are completely harmless to projectors, and are only capable of scaring them. While this is generally true, as with the Elemental and Dweller types discussed in 'Astral Dynamics' there are exceptions. The real time, astral and all higher bodies are virtually invulnerable, and definitely cannot be destroyed or killed. However, it is possible to suffer energetic damage and weakness through intense or prolonged attack by the stronger and more intelligent types of non-physical entities.

While cases of this are extremely rare, if the energetic substance of a projected double became damaged, this damage could reflect back into its physical body. In this case, the physical body could experience unusual tiredness. Even more rarely, swellings, rashes and strange marks could also appear on the physical body. These are much like the swellings, watery blisters and rashes that are an occasional side-effect of energetic development work, (See Astral Dynamics for more details) especially during the early stages when energetic pathways are being cleared and conditioned. All these symptoms heal unusually quickly, often disappearing within just a few hours. The energy body heals and restores itself very quickly if its substance is disturbed or damaged in any way.

Any significant attack causing energy substance loss in the projected double has a fail-safe side-effect. It causes the immediate abortion of that projection as a reflex action. Projection is a delicately balanced process involving a constant two-way energetic-cum-telepathic exchange between the physical body and its projected double. It does not take much to interfere with this process and cause it to abort, resulting in the immediate return of the projected double to the safety of its physical body.

Please keep in mind here that attacks, and especially attacks causing actual energetic damage or substance loss, are rare in the extreme and are not something to overly worry about. To draw a parallel of the risks involved, this is roughly equivalent to a recreational swimmer being seriously injured by dangerous marine life. Injuries are fairly rare events for the average swimmer, with the biggest danger being nothing more than an occasional jellyfish sting. Professionals and deep-sea divers, however, spend a great deal more time in the more unexplored and untamed parts of the ocean depths, and thus face a slightly greater risk of harm than do recreational swimmers. This also applies to frequent projectors, especially those with a natural propensity for the more occult and metaphysical aspects of out-of-body exploration. Lastly, this also applies to more experienced and adventurous projectors, most especially those who actively help people suffering from psychic/demonic attack and other such entity related problems.

The above section provides some clues as to how the relative strengths and threat potential of any type of astral wildlife or non-physical entity can be gauged. If anything manifests directly and acts in an openly threatening or intimidating manner, it can reasonably be judged as having no real strength and thus of being no actual threat. These types can thus be safely confronted and will be found easily discouraged and driven away, by even the most inexperienced and timid of projectors if they have the right attitude. If, however, anything is encountered which acts in a timid or furtive rather than an openly threatening manner, and immediately tries to hide or leaves the area, then this is best left well enough alone and not followed or interfered with. Discretion is always the better part of valor during such encounters.

To the very best of my knowledge, if a projector minds their own business, stays calm, uses common sense and projects away if they ever find themselves in a bad situation, they have very little to worry about. Out of all the thousands of projection related case histories I have been consulted on, I have only come across a very small handful of situations where really troublesome astral wildlife were involved. And, in the majority of these cases, once this situation was confronted with a braver and more positive attitude the problem entities, whether real or imagined, simply vanished. Below are two fairly typical experiences where very low orders of astral wildlife are encountered:

Low Astral Wildlife - Case Histories

White Whirring Things: "Mr.D"

My experience can only be explained as bizarre. My first OBE (so far) happened as I was just nodding off to sleep. I was trying to leave my body in my waking state but did not succeed and so I fell asleep and began to dream. Suddenly I felt as if my astral body were being sucked out of my body through my mouth (I thought my teeth were going to fall out!). Then I'm floating above my body and my vision is all blurred. I was in shock and forgot that I shouldn't panic. I decided to try flying and so began floating through the roof but quickly willed myself to stop this as it was all getting just too weird. A little white thing suddenly flew through the wall making a whirring noise (imagination? You tell me?) and latched on to my finger, and this also was just too weird. I found a bottle of chocolate milk on my bed which wasn't there in real life, but it seemed empty when I picked it up. Then more little white things started flying in and sticking to my fingers and it all got just too weird for me. I couldn't handle this so I willed myself back into my body.

Furry Sharp-Toothed Things: "Mr.K"

My brother and I experienced what we both believed to be conscious astral projection. We both "saw" each other that night. (we were both projecting at the same time, and from the same room). I saw him through a murky vision...but what he saw on me scared him. He said he saw what looked like small, pale, hand-sized, furry little creatures all over my projected body. Their only recognizable features were fur and a mouth full of tiny sharp teeth. Either we both had the same dream, or nightmare, or our attempt at joint projection was successful. It was our first intentional and conscious attempt and because of what we experienced that night we have not tried it since. As a matter of fact, we have avoided the subject all together since then.

My Comments

These both appear to be fairly normal first time projections, apart from the astral wildlife involved. In Dave's case, the exit sensations were felt from within the dream state. These appear to have woken Dave and he then experience the full conscious exit. The sucking pressure he felt on his mouth is a little unusual, but quite understandable. There are some fairly large secondary energy centers situated in and around the mouth and lips, and the tongue is also covered with a high concentration of energy exchange ports.

The active configuration of the energy centers of individual projectors varies quite a bit. The mouth area may, as in Dave's case, be more active than usual and thus cause more noticeable sensations during a projection exit. All new projectors should therefore expect many subtle variations of what they have heard are normal conscious exit projection sensations.

The small entities encountered in both the above cases are a very low order of astral wildlife. These are a small, energy feeding type of entity, something like a lower astral version of a mosquito or leech. These things are quite common and seem to bother some people more than others, just as mosquito's are attracted more to some people than to others. These small entities would have fed on these people regardless of whether or not they were projecting; and done them no real harm in the process. It may be coincidental that these projectors surprised them while these mosquito-like beings were feeding. It is likely these were attracted to these projectors solely because it was sensed they were sleeping at this time. They either didn't notice, or didn't have the intelligence to care, that their intended prey was consciously projecting and not sleeping at this time.

The fingers or toes are the most common attachment areas for energy feeding types, large or small. These areas both contain high concentrations of energy exchange ports and important secondary energy centers, through which energy is normally exchanged. These areas can also function in reverse, as with healing where a reverse energetic flow is generated by a healer. An energy feeding entity, in a similar way, creates an energetic demand upon the etheric body in order to drain energy from it. If the entity is hungry or low on energy, this energetic flow is probably triggered automatically through simple contact.

It is also possible the sucking sensation Dave felt in his mouth, during the exit, was caused by these small energy feeders. Some of them may have been attached to the mouth area of Dave's etheric body and were disturbed or dislodged when he projected, only to return and attempt to reattach a short time later.

The above types of experience, while fairly rare, can also be classed as something like a Dweller on the threshold kind of experience. This type of astral wildlife appears to be no more dangerous than the average leech or mosquito. They are more annoying than harmful, although they will often scare the daylights out of an inexperienced or uninformed projector. I suggest all small energy feeding types, in any possible variation of the above, be treated accordingly…as natural pests. If these projectors had actively imagined these small entities as bursting into flames, or even swatted at them with their real time hands, they would have vanished or detached themselves and beat a hasty retreat.


By Robert Bruce

When I discovered spirituality in my childhood, there were no books on the subject readily available to me. There was no, online websites, or internet forums for chatting. I was on my own, except for the occasional meditation circle in a local city.

The truth is, I was desperate to learn anything for a long period of time.

In a sense, this was a gift, because it forced me to develop my psychic abilities through independent hard work. In fact, I invented all my own techniques for skills like astral projection, energy work, kundalini activation and aura viewing.

The lack of information out there enabled me to avoid "analysis paralysis" and get right to the core of the evolutionary process, so I could immediately start accessing the Greater Reality.

Today as an adult, I've helped thousands of people around the world—who are just like you—learn to enliven their psychic powers and explore their mysticism, through my best-selling books, international seminars, and this very resource, Astral Dynamics.

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