417Hz raise the vibration of your home - energy cleanse for your house and yourself - miracle tone

Let this solfeggio 417 Hz healing frequency serve as an anchor for tranquility and cleansing rejuvenation for yourself and the energy of your home or workspace.



WE ARE ALL FAMILY, THIS PLANET IS OUR HOME. Woke Nation is a place for the open-minded, the seeking, and the spiritual. We are all part of something much greater than ourselves, and sometimes we are distracted away from the divine light that lives within our core self by the stresses of everyday life. This channel is a place where we promote taking conscious control over our mental, physical and spiritual health. The content on this channel is created to inspire you to connect with the divine spirituality that is a natural and heavenly part of you. Have you ever had any sort of mystical experience or a spiritual experience that has been life-changing for you? This kind of experience with profound healing is what we aim to provide with our musical content and frequencies from the ancient solfeggio scale to guide the mental, physical and spiritual to a place of harmonic Welcome Brothers and Sisters.


Royalty Free Musichighermind-royaltyfreemusic.com/?ref=2

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256K subscribers

350 videos


Joined Sep 11, 2019


(Source: youtube.com; March 18, 2020; https://tinyurl.com/248vu8x5)
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