32 orange crystals: healing properties, uses and benefits

Orange translates to optimism, energy, and security in psychology. Spiritually, orange crystals represent luck, sexuality, inner power, confidence, fertility, courage, hope, inspiration, vitality, and more. So, what are the best orange gemstones and their names? How to use them?

The Top Orange Gemstones List:

  • Aragonite
  • Orange Calcite
  • Carnelian
  • Orange Tourmaline
  • Citrine
  • Orange Aventurine 
  • Sunstone 
  • Orange Moonstone 
  • Spessartite Garnet 
  • Orange Jade
  • Imperial Topaz
  • Orange Sapphire
  • Mookaite Jasper 
  • Orange Agate
  • Amber
  • Hessonite Garnet 
  • Orange Zircon
  • Coral
  • Sardonyx
  • Orange Diamond
  • Fire Opal
  • Orange Aura Quartz
  • Andesine 
  • Orange Kyanite
  • Ammolite
  • Orange Fluorite
  • Petrified Wood
  • Orange Spinel 
  • Clinohumite
  • Orange Sphalerite
  • Ametrine
  • Orange Selenite

You can activate these orange crystals with sunlight, water, grids, altars, smudge sticks, affirmations, incense, fire, soil, and more. I’ll teach you their uses, including the best way to charge each of them. 

32 Orange Crystals and their Powers Explained 

Orange color crystals are just another category of crystals based on color. The Orange color is associated with the Sacral Chakra. Orange stands for the fire element and planetary powers of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars.

Dozens of orange crystals have different meanings, chakras, elements, planets, properties, and benefits. 

Here’s how to use orange crystals.

Aragonite Orange Crystals for Truth

Aragonite is a calcium carbonate crystal, for truth. It opens the Sacral chakra that lights the inner fire, courage, emotional strength, focus, intuition, and conviction. However, its low Mohs hardness between 3 and 4 makes it a fragile crystal best for occasional wear. 

How To Use Aragonite Orange Crystal?

Ruled by the earth element and planet, it’s best to cleanse and charge Aragonite clusters under three inches of soil. Do this overnight or for a week to find answers to your questions. 

Orange Calcite for Vitality

Orange Calcite is good for energy, willpower, passion, creativity, and spiritual guidance. It opens the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. It’s a soft crystal excellent for positivity, hope, and joy

How To Use Orange Calcite Crystal?

As the fire element rules Orange Calcite, holding the crystal before a lit candle is ideal for cleansing and charging it. 

Carnelian Crystals for Fertility

Did you know Carnelian eggs are popularly used for fertility rituals? Carnelian is responsible for kundalini awakening in the body by opening the Sacral Chakra. It enhances passion, libido, potency, love, harmony, dream therapy, and cosmic connection. 

How To Use Carnelian Crystal?

Being a fire energy crystal, you can cleanse and charge Carnelian by holding it before a lit candle. Alternatively, you can charge it with the seed mantra of fire element- RAM. 

You may use this crystal for manifesting love

Savannah Orange Tourmaline for Inspiration

Savannah Tourmaline is the orange variety of Tourmaline that opens the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. It’s excellent for inspiration, courage, power, harmony, wealth, confidence, dedication, patience, and balance.

How To Use Orange Tourmaline Crystal?

As the earth element rules Savannah Tourmaline, you can charge it with soil. Either bury it in the soil overnight or place it on top of the soil throughout the night. 

Orange Citrine Crystals for Financial Balance

Yellow Citrine attracts wealth, but Orange Citrine teaches you how to manage and multiply that wealth. Orange Citrine is good for finding freedom from debt, laziness, pessimism, and aimlessness. 

How To Use Citrine Crystal?

Hold Orange Citrine in your palms while watching the sunrise for a few minutes to charge it for financial freedom. 

Orange Aventurine Crystals for Manifesting Hope

What is Orange Aventurine? It’s a variety of Aventurine that connects to the Sacral Chakra and relaxes your nerves. 

Bonding with Orange Aventurine attracts positivity, joy, prosperity, and manifestation. They’re great for bringing creativity, hope, and childlike happiness into your life.

Where is Orange Aventurine found? Orange Aventurine is largely found in India and Brazil.

How To Use Orange Aventurine crystal?

As the air and water elements rule Orange Aventurine, you can charge it with breathwork, positive affirmations, or by rinsing it under tap water. 

Sunstone Orange Stone for Leadership Skills

Sunstone is a personal growth stone that helps you take reign of and realize your dreams. It attracts charisma, good luck, universal connection, oneness, freedom, energy, and protection

How To Use Sunstone crystal?

Because the elements of fire and air rule Sunstone, it’s excellent to charge this crystal with sunlight. Hold your crystal in your palms facing the Sun for a few minutes while visualizing your intention. 

Orange Moonstone Crystals for Emotional Balance

What is Orange Moonstone? Orange Moonstone is a great stone for finding harmony within and around. Orange Moonstone is good for calmness, anxiety, universal connection, overthinking, hormonal balance, wisdom, and fertility

How To Use Orange Moonstone crystal?

The Moon is the planetary ruler of Orange Moonstone. Hence, it’s good to soak the crystal in the moonlight for a night. Keep the crystal in a room with an open window to do this.

Spessartite Garnet Crystals for Passion

Spessartite Garnet or Mandarin Garnet is a deep orange healing crystal that opens all the lower chakras. Hence, you’ll experience improved luck, libido, fertility, creativity, brain power, manifestation, support, energy, and rejuvenation when using this stone. 

How To Use Orange Spessartite Garnet crystal?

You can activate Spessartite Garnet for passion by holding it over your pelvic area and visualizing your intention of passion for a few minutes. Repeat this ritual every day after sunset or before sunrise.

Orange Jade for Universal Connection

Not many people know this, but the orange variety of Jade sharpens your wits and instincts. It connects your body, mind, and soul to others, flora, fauna, the atmosphere, and the cosmos. Orange Jade is excellent for empathy, kindness, and healing.

How To Use Orange Jade crystal?

Activate Orange Jade for cosmic connection and oneness by gazing into it and visualizing your intention. Try to do it for as long as your intuition tells you, then carry the charged orange crystal with you. 

Imperial Topaz Crystals for Prosperity

Orange crystals with golden streaks like Imperial Topaz are expensive but work like a charm to attract abundance, wealth, luck, and success. You can open the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras with it and enhance your willpower, manifestation, growth, and good fortune. 

How To Use Imperial Topaz crystal?

Before wearing any Imperial Topaz jewellery, it’s good to program it with positive affirmations, thoughts, or visualizations that support your intention. 

Orange Sapphire Crystals for Appetite

You’ll find a wide variety of Orange Sapphires in light to vivid orange colors, but the most famous is Padparadscha Sapphire. 

Although they’re hard to find, Orange Sapphires easily calm the nerves, anxiety, and irrational fears. That’s mainly because Padparadscha Sapphires open the Third Eye Chakra apart from the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. 

How To Use Orange Sapphire crystal?

You can use Orange Sapphires for appetite, energy, and health by infusing them indirectly into crystal water. Explore how to make crystal elixirs safely at your home

Mookaite Jasper Crystals for Grounding

As a brownish-orange crystal that stands for Earth’s courage, patience, love, and healing, Orange Mookaite Jasper opens the Root with Sacral chakra. It’ll help you feel grounded, confident, creative, and psychic. 

How To Use Mookaite Jasper crystal?

Soil charging is the best way to charge Mookaite Jasper for grounding. You can bury the crystal under three inches of soil in a pot before carrying it.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Ceida Uilyc / Gem Specialist

Hiya, I am Ceida Uilyc, a metaphysics junkie, an avid nature enthusiast, and a jewelry maven. I believe crystals are the fruits of Mother Earth and there’s nothing that makes me happier than sharing my experiences, and knowledge about them. When not making spells and potions, I love wandering around my garden or tripping on trendy new necklaces and rings.

(Source: allcrystal.com; September 29, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/yck2hdd4)
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