BIRD FLU: the next pandemic?

There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks," Europe is warning of chicken and egg shortages, and many states have now outright banned the sale of chicks to the public. The largest egg producer in the US has culled birds and fired its workers. In this Ice Age Farmer exclusive, Christian breaks down the sordid story of this virus, and asks: will weaponized H5N1 be the next human pandemic?



By Ice Age Farmer

The natural cycles of the sun and, as a result, the changing climate on our planet, present very real and immediate challenges. Learn about these and the history of previous cycles, and start preparing for the changes. Please SHARE the word with your friends and family to help them understand what's playing out in the world. A simple link can radically change someone's life.

(Source:; April 8, 2022;
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