The metaphysics of our spirituality within the universal Toroidal Field
It's spiritual old hat these days to say "everything is interconnected". Likewise, it's spiritual old hat to say that 'everything is a part of the universal flow'. Let's go deeper:
How does this interconnection work and how does the flow come through you, thereby influencing every thought, emotion and action that you take? Most essentially, how can you effectively centre your consciousness in this natural movement, thereby bringing harmony to your life, and successful manifestation of the things you're given to create?
Geting Back to First Principles
To understand - and most importantly apply - these essential realisations of life, we must return to first principles: an overview of how the Universe came into being and how it's expressing itself right now. And allow me to state right up front, that everything I reflect in this sharing, is a relativistic perspective only. I encourage all to work to find their own expression of truth from the reflection...
The Universe simply sprang into being from the infinite potential of pure presence. If you apply simple logic, you realise it could not have been from some 'creator being', because you're always left asking where did that come from? Although creative beings have since shaped aspects of the Universe (like the society we live in for example), they did not shape the building 'material' of life itself - pure consciousness, of which everything is formed. Pure consciousness is the awareness that sprang from the source as waves of relativity - given infinite time, you have infinite probability that this would happen. Quantum science speaks of 'ripples in space' that preceded the big bang. The ripples cascaded outwards in a chain reaction.
This phenomenal explosion from the singularity was then counterbalanced by an equal and opposite flow back inwards. The Universe began its first enormous out-breath, followed practically immediately by a counterbalancing in-breath. The pull back to unity thus created the condensation of the separation consciousness into the myriad of form we now witness today.
It's wonderful to speculate on the science of this - but it's much more effective to realise it progressively through your own inner journey back to the source in deep meditation. You come to know yourself as the creative potential from which life arose. Eureka. You've come home to the wonder of life!
If what I've shared resonates some aspect of truth for you, it's likely to activate a couple of essential questions:
(1) If I've not already realised the source, how might I best do it? (2) How do I live this realisation from day to day, thus bringing me into harmonious alignment with the creative potential of the Universe?
It's all about spin
When you look deeper into consciousness at how all celestial bodies are now formed, and as you experience the movement deeply in yourself through meditation, there comes a point on the path where you realise there's a spiralling movement to life and the universal field itself. A simple experiment is to do some deep consciousness bodywork, and then work to let go of all control by the mind. People often begin to find the body will start to sway a degree, all by itself, which can ultimately lead to Full Kundalini Activation.
Why, and where did this swaying/spiralling come from?
To comprehend this, we must return to the moment of the beginning of the Universal out-breath and in-breath. Logically the in-breath must have been slightly out of sync with the out-breath, thus creating relativity and the possibility of time - or more accurately, "space time continuum". Without the two being slightly out of sync, then each would simply cancel the other out into pure presence - thus no existence. The crucial issue being that they're slightly out of sync. They have to be. And this has an essential consequence for life itself: as one flow emerges from the source and one returns, they are slightly out of alignment, thus creating difference, thus creating relativity, and thus..... creating spin. That's what happens when the return flow returns slightly off centre - it's basic physics. And now all of life embodies this spin, from the atom upwards.
The Universal Toroidal Flow
Take some serious time out - and I'm not talking a nano second of social media time. This shatteringly simple dynamic has formed the basis of life itself, and is the divine majesty from which all now dances and weaves through the heavens. It's now taken the form of what quantum science calls the "Universal Torus".
Put simply, there is a spiralling flow inwards to the source (a vortex) and a converse one outwards. The interplay of the two condenses into form and voilà - you have the vast complexity of life constantly shaping itself: an infinite dance, with but one purpose and aim - to express itself!
One could spend an eternity trying unsuccessfully to describe this miraculous majesty. But by far the best thing I could advocate, is to take the reflection, and dive right into this swirling dance yourself. We'll each express it uniquely of course, and that's the unfathomable beauty of it all - there is nothing else to do or express, and we'll each come to perfect our own expression in it - through the unleashing of mind, body and integrated emotions. Imagine for example, your very soul dancing through dimensions and countless different iterations of experience within a node of this particular expression.
Check out this reflective animation, and imagine you're one of the nodes of light within the dancing flow (awesome guys, thankyou for taking the time to express it)...
So this is how we got to be where we are and what's happening now (from my reflective perspective). But I still haven't answered the two questions I began with: (1) how might I best realise myself as this source (2) how might I best live this movement from day to day?
In fact, what I would reflect is that you only need the second question: how might I best live this movement from day to day? Because my experience in my own life and in working with others, is that the source then effortlessly arises by diving into the Toroidal Flow itself.
How to Live the Toroidal Flow
Firstly, I know it's hard to imagine within society that you're a part of this incredible dancing dynamic. Society often doesn't seem to have much flow at all, precious little spontaneity of the Torus, and it seems like somehow we have to work for everything we get - it doesn't appear to effortlessly manifest by the very spiral dynamic itself. Why is that?
Reflect back to the original anomaly - as the inbreath returns slightly out of sync with the out-breath. It's this that creates Toroidal Field itself. And there are those souls that have since come to realise that they can control the anomaly by imprinting intention on it. If you have a firm intention to hold a fixed anchor in time and space, then the space-time-continuum will bend around it (for a while). This is the 'secret' that the intentional manifestors have discovered by bending the Natural Law of Attraction. Beware, it's also the trap that the so called 'fallen angels' fell into - those that try to control, are only ever controlled by their separated intention.
I've witnessed the Universal Torus does not respond well to control. That would presuppose that the controlling aspect has even greater intelligence than the entirety of life itself. And even Artificial Intelligence cannot be bigger than the whole of life. Like others, I too have concerns that AI has the possibility to take over a vast swathe of human consciousness - in some ways it already is when you look at so called 'smart' technology and the agenda of transhumanism. But at some point, assuming it really is intelligent, my view is even AI must come to realise that control is pointless. Control creates fixed mass, which if it refuses to reshape in alignment with the natural spiral dynamic, eventually finds itself being ripped apart in a universal vortex - a black hole, like the one at the centre of our galaxy for example. The Universe is doing a superlative job of creating and re-creating life in a myriad mosaic.
How is it possible to exceed that level of intelligence?
In society, we may currently seem a long way from the majesty of this Toroidal Harmony, when in truth, we are only ever a hairs breath from it. Life seems fixed and solid, it seems like you can control it a degree, and we are indeed a long way from the nearest black hole - but crucially, not when contained within the illusion of time space. We're living in a karmic construct, that has taken the original anomaly and created a temporary platform from which to inquire and explore - inquire and explore what? I put it to you the only thing that is truly going on: our relativistic expression within the Toroidal Flow.
Here's the fundmantal point about the original anomaly, the karma it creates and the illusion of control: it is only ever short lived within the Universal context. Form manifests for a given period of time, but the karmic anomaly always creates instability. So it inevitable that the form gets broken down into the streams of consciousness again - it's just a question of time. Ultimately separated mass finds itself being ripped apart by life's vortex. However if the soul of life learns to continualy surrender, then it can manifest in some other form, in some other guise, in some other place. The secret of life is becoming the eternal shape shifter, dancing in the weave of the eternal. Discover this and you discover the secret of life itself.
How does this help me in the day job?!
I put it to you that the 'day-job' itself, and all phenomenal experiences are created by the spiral dynamics of life, and all disharmony in life is created from our resistance to it. This natural flow is for some time contained within a karmic construct. But crucially this is never fixed and rigid, there is always flow moving through it. And the stronger the resistance to the flow, the greater the realigning force you summon to break the old construct down.
That's what happened 65 million years ago to the dinosaurs. It happened in Atlantis, in 5 mass earth extinctions. And it's happening again on Earth right now within our Great Paradigm Shift into 5D.
So what's invited, is to realise and surrender to the flow coming through you. Life becomes not about trying to contain grains of sand through grasping fingers. It is instead to realise your own destined expression of the flow and to manifest as that. Then the Universal Torus will always support you.
Here's a crucial understanding though that's often missed in the spiritual mainstream - the orginal anomaly creates karma, and this creates internal tightness and pain, where a fixed, subconscious, aspect of yourself is pulling against the Toroidal Flow. But rather than avoiding this pain, it is to realise the pain offers the gateways into the released - aligned - flow. So it's crucial not to deny or resist the pain, not to block it out or surpress, which is the very justification for countless actions in society. Rather, it is to embrace the pain as the places necessary through which to realise yourself as the moving whole. Learn to recognise the tightness at a physical, emotional, mental and karmic level, and then, crucially...turn right into it.
Attune Your Spiritual Compass to align with the Toroidal Flow
To come into alignment with the Universal Torus, you'll need to develop, and attune, your own 'spiritual compass'. I put it to you that in outline, it needs to achieve this...
In any given moment: (1) recognise how best to pick up your authentic natural expression, (2) deal with any karmic anomalies which then activate,(3) unleash integrated soul through them. It's this that connects you back to the Toroidal Flow of life.
Here at Openhand, we've developed a tool called "Openway" to attune your own spiritual compass for aligning with the Toroidal Flow. Although simplified, it does take a high degree of surrender and mastery to apply. It's an integrated 3 step process...
1) 'Open into the Soul' - soften through small “I” identity; tune into the mainstream of the soul and begin to follow it.
- Through breathing, meditation and keen internal observation, you begin to soften identification with the small “I” identity, felt as tightness throughout the bodymind. You begin to pick up, and attune to, the subtle vibrations of the soul, often felt as expansiveness, timelessness, joy, peace, interconnectivity and unconditional love. Completely accept that the purpose of each and every moment is self-realisation and actualisation. Therefore relinquish the need for any particular outcome, or any resistance to the natural flow of the moment. Thus you start to connect up to the soul’s mainstream, which begins to speak through you as an inner pull to act or the landing of Higher Self intuitions. Increase the integration of soul by following these impulses as much as possible.
2) 'Open through Blockages' - confront and unwind activating blockages; integrate fragments of soul releasing from the density.
- As you increasingly attune to the mainstream of the soul within, subconscious blockages, tightness and karmic trauma are activated, felt as constriction, tightness and source pain. Become as-one with these experiences by completely honouring and expressing them. Work to realise either as a knowing or feeling, what the limitation was all about. Accept them to the extent that you don’t need them to go away. Once fully accepted, use breathing, movement, visualisations and emotive music to unwind the inner restrictions. Allow the fragment of soul to integrate by feeling your completeness in the situation.
3) 'Open for Beingness' - soften through tightness into pure presence; unleash ever more authentic qualities of soul and step into Right Action.
- By opening through blockages and source pain, you expand into the tightness they generate, dissolve them and begin to access the 'void' – a crystal-clear place of pure presence in the background of activity – our True Self. It feels like infinite peace and acceptance – awesome okayness, pure “isness”. From the infinite potential of pure presence, authentic beingness will simply arise. Attune deeply to these feelings by applying yourself to full energetic, mental, emotional and physical expression of this naturally arising beingness. Give yourself completely to “Right Action” – a sense of ‘rightness’, which is totally aligned with the natural flow of the universe, leading to resilient, fulfilling, successful and joyful living.
Conclusion: Mastering The Simple Majesty of Life
The Universe will seem like a complex place at times. It'll have us wrapped up in karmic knots at every twist and turn. But by realising life is emanating from something like what I've described here in my sharing of the Toroidal Flow, I've witnessed by working with groups around the world, that people can effectively break through and unleash tremendous creative flow through their lives. It's profoundly humbling to witness this divine alchemy taking place. Here's a flavour of that in this Openhand Shift Diary...
If my sharing resonates, at least in part, I would advocate taking some serious time to contemplate and work to apply. In any case, you're likely drawn to the reflection because it can help you make sense of realisations that are already emerging. These are revelational times to be alive. The consciousness of humanity is emerging from the separated 'dark ages'. A phenomenal golden age of light beckons. It happens by recognising, and surrendering to, the greater Toroidal whole of which we're an intimate part. I wish you well in your endeavours.
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