The Fourth Phase of Water - Prof. Gerald Pollack between 4th & 11th August



Australian Research College of Osteopathic Medicine presents Prof. Gerald H. Pollack

Jerry Pollack is a scientist recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and author, whose passion lies in plumbing the depths of natural truths. He received the 1st Emoto Peace Prize and is a recipient of the University of Washington’s highest honour, the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award.

He is founding Editor-in-Chief of the research journal WATER and director of the Institute for Venture Science.

Dr. Pollack’s (award winning) books include: The Fourth Phase of Water (2013) 

and Cells Gels and the Engines of Life (2001)


The Fourth Phase of Water


August 4th - Professor Pollack  

(link for osteos, students, ATMS ASTRO Nexus and AHA members attending in person or digitally) attending in person

Attending online:

(link for general public)

Attending online:



August 11th - Professor Pollack

(link for osteos, students, ATMS and AHA members)

(link for general public)


TUSMORE (Adelaide, South Australia):

August 8th - Professor Pollack

Sponsored by the

Alternative Science and Technology Research Organisation of SA (ASTRO)


7:30pm Tues 8 August 2023

Burnside Council Ballroom

401 Greenhill Road, Tusmore, SA 5066


Early-bird on-line tickets $21

then $26 after 15 July

Try Booking


Further reading:

Role in Health

Short description Water has a fourth phase, in which molecules are ordered, or “structured.” This phase fills the body. It has profound implications for all bodily functions, including aspects of manual therapy. 

Bullet points with course objectives and learning outcomes

  • What is the fourth phase of water? An outline of evidence for water’s fourth phase and the implications for human function.
  • Why is it important? An explanation of how the fourth phase impacts practically all aspects of cell function, including information transfer.
  • How does it interface with aspects of manual therapy?  Includes fresh ideas on the roles of applied pressure, infrared radiation from hands, low friction exhibited by joints, initiation of swelling, etc.

Course content

1. Fundamentals of Fourth Phase Water.  The discovery of fourth-phase (EZ) water. What’s the evidence? How come it’s not yet a mainstream feature? We will look at the fundamental role of EZ water, and its impact on body function. A focal point is the energy stored by the fourth phase and its availability for cell function. Textbooks argue the water is merely the background carrier of the important molecules of life, but the evidence refutes that position. In fact, water is central for all features of life.

2. How Cells Work. Here, we extend the first point, above, by detailing the role of water in cell function. Evidence will be presented that cell function involves a “phase transition.” In the cell’s dormant, unactive state, cell water is structured (EZ) and proteins are extended. When the cell is triggered to function (e.g., when a muscle is activated to contract), both entities undergo massive change: EZ water transitions to liquid water and proteins transition from their extended state to their contracted state. Massive change occurs. When the activity ceases (e.g., when the muscle relaxes), the phase-transition reverses, returning cells to their dormant state. We will consider the many implications that follow, some of which are central to manual therapy.

3. Implications of Fourth Phase Water for Manual Therapy. The newly revised features of cell function with water at the focal point have implications for virtually all aspects of cell and organ behavior. In turn, they have implications for manual therapy. One aspect is the role of infrared radiation coming from the hands on superficial body tissues. Another is the gentle pressure. Both can profoundly impact the therapy in several ways, including the buildup of EZ water and the enhancement of flows. The fourth phase also provides an understanding of the genesis of swelling, as well as the underlying basis of joint lubrication.


University of Washington

water-researcher Professor Gerald Pollack 

TEDx talk


Broad significance of Fourth Phase Water 

Presentations by Gerald Pollack include:

1. 4th  phase  water   &  health

 2. 4th  phase  water - the  flight  of  birds,  insects  and  aeroplanes

3. 4th  phase  water - weather

4. 4th  phase  water - rotation  of  the  earth

5. 4th  phase  water - information  storage

6. 4th  phase  water - filtration  and  desalination

7. 4th  phase  water - in  cells  and  biology


8. Energy  from  Water  and  Light
9. the Molecular  Mechanism  of  Muscle  Contraction


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