The battery that just keeps on going - Karpen’s Pile

 A Battery That Produces Energy Continuously Since 1950 Exists in a Romanian Museum — Karpen’s Pile

​The “Dimitrie Leonida” National Technical Museum from Romania hosts a weird kind of battery. Built by Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen, the pile has been working uninterrupted for 60 years.

I admit it’s also hard for me to advance the idea of an overunity generator without sounding ridiculous, even if the object exists,” says Nicolae Diaconescu, engineer and director of the museum.

The invention cannot be exposed because the museum doesn’t have enough money to buy the security system necessary for such an exhibit.

​Half a century ago, the pile’s inventor had said it will work forever, and so far it looks like he was right. Karpen’s perpetual motion machine now sits secured right in the director’s office.

It has been called “the uniform-temperature thermoelectric pile,” and the first prototype has been built in the 1950s. Although it should have stopped working decades ago, it didn’t.

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(Source:; December 19, 2021;
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