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Quantum Darwinism: Can evolutionary theory explain objective reality?

Quantum phenomena “wash out” as particles interact with the environment, but classical properties survive. Are they selected in a process analogous to evolution by natural selection?

IT IS often said that the very small is governed by quantum physics, and the large by classical physics. There seems to be one set of rules for fundamental particles and another for us. But everything, including us, is made of particles. So why can’t we too be in superpositions or show wave-like interference when we pass through a doorway, as a photon or electron does when it passes through narrow slits? Ditto any large, inanimate object?

To cut to the chase: we don’t know the answer. One of the most intriguing ideas now being tested, however, is that classical reality might emerge through a process analogous to evolution by natural selection.

That notion has its origins in the 1970s, when physicists first came to realise that a particle’s quantum behaviours of superposition, entanglement and suchlike leak out into its environment, disappearing as a result of interactions with other particles – a process called decoherence. “The coupling to the macroscopic environment spoils the quantum coherences so fast that they are unobservable,” says Jean-Michel Raimond at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. Experiments have demonstrated that decoherence is a real, physical process, albeit one that happens in the blink of an eye.

What it can’t tell us, however, is why various definite properties, such as position or velocity, emerge for us to observe. Why do these properties survive the transition from quantum to classical, while some other quantum features don’t?

To Wojciech Zurek at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, it looked a lot like there was some sort of selective filtering going on. That filtering, he realised, is …

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By Philip Ball / Freelance Science Writer

Philip Ball is a freelance science writer. He worked previously at Nature for over 20 years, first as an editor for physical sciences (for which his brief extended from biochemistry to quantum physics and materials science) and then as a Consultant Editor. His writings on science for the popular press have covered topical issues ranging from cosmology to the future of molecular biology.

Philip is the author of many popular books on science, including works on the nature of water, pattern formation in the natural world, colour in art, the science of social and political philosophy, the cognition of music, and physics in Nazi Germany. He has written widely on the interactions between art and science, and has delivered lectures to scientific and general audiences at venues ranging from the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) to the NASA Ames Research Center, London's National Theatre and the London School of Economics.

Philip continues to write regularly for Nature. He has contributed to publications ranging from New Scientist to the New York Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times and New Statesman. He is a contributing editor of Prospect magazine (for which he writes a science blog), and also a columnist for Chemistry World, Nature Materials, and the Italian science magazine Sapere. He has broadcast on many occasions on radio and TV, and is a presenter of "Science Stories" on BBC Radio 4. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, sits on the editorial board of Chemistry World and Interdiscipinary Science Reviews, and is a board member of the RESOLV network on solvation science at the Ruhr University of Bochum.

Philip has a BA in Chemistry from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Physics from the University of Bristol.

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(Source:; August 25, 2021;
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