Meet Maverick, the autonomous robot that can paint your walls perfectly every time

Silicon Valley appears to have its eyes set on disrupting the paint industry.

That's because, thanks to a new autonomous robot, you may never have to paint your own walls again. 

Scientists behind the robot, named Maverick, claim that it can paint walls evenly and with striking accuracy.

Scientists behind a robot (pictured), named Maverick, say it can paint walls evenly and with striking accuracy. The robot was created by a team of engineers from University of Waterloo

MIST, or mobile intelligent spraying technologies, is the team behind the robot and is made up of engineering students from the University of Waterloo. 

The team has some connections to Silicon Valley, as several members have experience working at Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Uber. 

Maverick is equipped with sensors that make it a fully-functioning autonomous robot, MIST says. 

MIST believes that the home painter industry is ripe for disruption, noting that there are over 5,000 painting-related injuries each year, with $1.5 billion spent on painters annually in North America.

'The traditional manual painting process is slow, costly, inefficient and hazardous,' MIST noted on its website.

Maverick, which was unveiled last month, attempts to relieve some of those pain points.

Maverick (pictured) is equipped with sensors that make it a fully-functioning autonomous robot. It's fitted with a platform, arm and spray system that allows for even coating

It uses mapping technology and an elevator-like shaft to spray paint up and down the walls.  

It's fitted with a platform, arm and spray system that allows for even coating. 

'We wanted to build an elevator lift system to prove that we can control vertical motion,' the team said in a blog post when they first began designing Maverick.

'We also wanted to automate the paint spraying mechanism such that no human interaction is required in operating the prototype'

'...Certain parts were 3D printed, while other parts were machined out of wood pieces,' they noted.  

Maverick uses mapping technology and an elevator-like shaft to spray paint up and down the walls. It was built by engineering students who have experience at Apple and other firms

The team said that parts of the device were built using a 3D printer, while others are made out of wood. They took special care in creating an automated spraying tool so that humans wouldn't have to interact with the Maverick robot at all throughout the painting process

Maverick starts by mapping a room and then rolls around to paint spots that are supposed to be coated, while avoiding spaces that aren't supposed to be

Maverick starts by mapping a room and then rolls around to paint spots that are supposed to be coated, while avoiding spaces that aren't supposed to be. 

MIST said it hopes to add other features in the future that can make it even easier to use. 

'We actually plan on mounting a camera behind the sprayer so that it follows the sprayer up and down and hence can use image processing decisions about whether to actuate the spray or not,' the team told TechCrunch.

'We've already implemented this logic in software and even have a paint quality detection algorithm'

'That being said, we haven't mounted the camera just yet as seen in the video,' they added.   

Video can be accessed at source link below.


By Annie Palmer / Tech Reporter

I cover tech @MailOnline. Previously @TheStreet / Alum of @dailyorange.


(Source:; April 28, 2018;
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