How moonlight affects animals and plants

The lunar light influences more than you might suspect.

The light from the moon has an effect on some animal activities, often because it makes them more visible.

Here on Earth, we have the moon’s gravitational pull to thank for the ocean tides, among other things. But what about moonlight?

The light reflected off the moon has an effect on life on Earth, which isn't surprising, but not every lunar influence is heralded by a wolf's howl.

Looking at a few examples of moonlight’s subtler influences reveals how much the moon has shaped life on Earth in unexpected ways.

The moon and animal behavior

The light of a brighter moon may make the feathers of the eagle owl more visible.The light of a brighter moon may make the feathers of the eagle owl more visible.

Some animals, especially nocturnal species, have adapted their hunting and mating activities to the light of the moon. Some animals simply see better at night or are aided by the light of the moon. In contrast, prey animals know that to be seen means to be eaten, so it's prudent to hide when the moon is bright. And just as moonlight can influence predator-prey schedules, it also can influence some mating behaviors.

For example, certain species of badgers mark their territory more during the new moon, but during the full moon, they mark territory less. One explanation for the difference is that badger mating rituals are lengthy, so mating in the brightness of a full moon would put copulating badgers in danger. As a result, these badgers lie low during bright nights and are more active during other phases of the moon.

Many species of coral spawn on or near the full moon. While other factors such as weather and water temperature also influence their spawning, the event occurs near a full moon.

Doodlebugs dig bigger holes around the full moon. This could be because of the increased activity of prey when the moon brightens the night sky, causing a greater chance of catching dinner.

Certain owl species become more active during the full moon, both in their mating calls and in showing off their feathers to potential mates. In one study of the Eurasian eagle owl, researchers found the owls' feathers may be more visible in the light of a brighter moon.

The moon, plants and farming

The "werewolf" plant Ephedra foeminea only puts out a sugary residue to attract pollinators during the full moon in July. Researchers have yet to understand exactly how the plant "knows" to follow the lunar cycle, but research shows there's a correlation. There is, however, disagreement among scientists that the shrub's pollination is related to the lunar cycle.

Humans, of course, also rely on moonlight. We did this much more so before the creation of artificial light, but some things haven't changed entirely. Some farmers plant crops based on the lunar schedule. There's a debate among farmers about whether planting by the moon has any positive effect on crops but The Old Farmer's Almanac still offers a Gardening by the Moon calendar. The video above goes into detail about how that works.

Because the moon is so closely linked to life on Earth, it's difficult to know what's affected solely by the moon’s light and what's affected by additional factors, but its influence is undeniable. Why else would there be so many songs about it?

Editor's note: This story has been updated with new information since it was published in September 2015.


By Kristen Bobst

Kristen Bobst is a graduate of USC’s Writing for Screen and Television MFA program (2010). She is a comedy writer, whimsy aficionado, and fan of animals (the kind that talk and the kind that don’t). Prior to USC, Kristen attended the University of Florida (Go Gators!) where she graduated summa cum laude with a degree in English. Then she attended Trinity College, Dublin, earning an M.Phil. degree in Anglo-Irish Literature inspired by a quirky, driving Oscar Wilde obsession.

Kristen’s recent professional experience includes writing scripts for musical, educational iOS apps geared toward children. She also served as the managing editor of comedy website During her time there, she wrote a rather nerdy video, “Klingon Style,” which went viral and is currently at 5 million views.

Kristen also wrote a few rad lifestyle videos for Big Frame’s “The Wonderly Way.”

Kristen is also the co-founder of popKraken, a production company that has produced charming YouTube videos. With sights set on larger screens, popKraken is currently producing an animated short called “My Pet Hellhound” which should take the world by hellhoundy storm before the end of 2015.

In her free time, Kristen runs two curious blogs: Sock Puppet Burlesque and Off-Kilter-Critters, which are exactly what they sound like. Oh yeah, she also has written a novel about a financially-savvy hedgehog.


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(Source:; July 16, 2019;
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