Calderdale Council was first told about the low-level hum in September 2020. Geograph/Humphrey Bolton Calderdale Council was first told about the low-level hum in September 2020. Geograph/Humphrey Bolton

Holmfield Hum: 'Tortured' villagers to get mystery noise update

The latest report into a mystery low-level hum which has plagued some people in a West Yorkshire village could be available in the next two weeks.

Residents in Holmfield, near Halifax, said the noise had "tortured" them and damaged their health for two years.

However, in August a Calderdale Council meeting was told all reasonable lines of inquiry had been exhausted.

Councillor Jenny Lynn said the process of updating people on the investigation should be complete by mid-September.

The humming sound was first reported to Calderdale Council in September 2020.

In October 2021 the council was told some residents had changed their working hours because of a lack of rest, with others booking into hotels for the weekend to get respite.

Councillor Jenny Lynn said Calderdale Council was taking concerns 'very seriously'. LDRS

At the time, noise surveys were carried out at local industrial units with some potential sources being ruled out.

According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service Ms Lynn said people were now being updated on the report's findings.

She said the council had taken villagers' concerns "very seriously" and had been committed to keeping the complainants, ward councillors and MP informed about investigations throughout.

"We are in the process of updating people on the investigation findings and expect to complete this by mid-September, taking into account everyone's availability," she said.


By BBC Yorkshire
(Source:; September 6, 2022;
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