Futurists predict the decades ahead

BuzzFeed's Mike Spohr recently polled various futurists on what changes we might expect throughout the rest of the 21st century. Here is a sampling of what they had to say about different sectors.

  • Transportation: Traffic jams will be eliminated through shared tools like Waze as people travel in smaller vehicles and single-person pods (Brad Templeton). Self-driving RVs equipped with robots will create whole new vacation and travel experiences for families (Joyce Gioia).
  • Space Travel: Efforts to construct bases on Mars and the Moon will take place, but will be ditched as too costly when Earth faces environmental collapse (Theo Priestly).
  • Biology: Standard reproduction with one father and one mother will complete with advancements in biotech, allowing for the the reverse engineering of one's own skin cells and others to make a baby (Cecily Sommers).
  • Life Extension: Dying of old age may be a thing of the past, as Silicon Valley companies "deal with DNA instead of digital code" (Jason Silva). But if we can live forever, will we still be us? "The thousand-year-old person...might be nothing like you" (Cliff Pickover).

Check out the complete article on BuzzFeed.

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By Tim Binnall / Coast to Coast AM News Editor

Tim Binnall is the news editor for the Coast to Coast AM website as well as the host of the pioneering paranormal podcast Binnall of America. For more than a decade and over the course of hundreds of BoA programs, he has interviewed a vast array of researchers, spanning a wide spectrum of paranormal genres and ranging from bonafide esoteric icons to up-and-coming future players in 'the field.' A graduate of Syracuse University, Binnall aims to maintain an outsider's perspective on the paranormal world with a distinct appreciation for its absurdities and a keen interest in the personalities and sociology of esoteric studies.

(Source: coasttocoastam.com; December 7, 2020; https://tinyurl.com/y3yburd3)
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