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Fears about artificial intelligence are 'very legitimate,' Google CEO says

Google CEO Sundar Pichai answered a lot of questions about anti-conservative bias.

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Google CEO Sundar Pichai, head of one of the world's leading artificial intelligence companies, said in an interview this week that concerns about harmful applications of the technology are "very legitimate" - but the tech industry should be trusted to responsibly regulate its use.

Speaking with The Washington Post on Tuesday afternoon, Pichai said that new AI tools - the backbone of innovations such as driverless cars and disease-detecting algorithms - require companies to set ethical guardrails and think through how the technology can be abused.

"I think tech has to realize it just can't build it, and then fix it," Pichai said. "I think that doesn't work."

Tech giants have to ensure that artificial intelligence with "agency of its own" doesn't harm humankind, Pichai said. He said he is optimistic about the technology's long-term benefits, but his assessment of the potential risks of AI parallels that of some tech critics who say the technology could be used to empower invasive surveillance, deadly weaponry and the spread of misinformation. Other tech executives, like SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, have offered more dire predictions that AI could prove to be "far more dangerous than nukes."

Google's AI technology underpins a range of initiatives, from the company's controversial China project to the surfacing of hateful conspiratorial videos on its YouTube subsidiary - a problem he vowed to address in the coming year. How Google decides to deploy its AI has also sparked recent employee unrest.

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By Tony Romm
By Drew Harwell
By Craig Timberg
(Source:; December 12, 2018;
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