Army working to integrate AI with human brain
The U.S. Army is looking to incorporate artificial intelligence with the brain as a way to help soldiers avoid danger, National Interest reports.
To do so, scientists with the Army Research Laboratory are working on measuring, processing, analyzing and transmitting electro-chemical signals from the human brain.
“We are working on adapting a sensor that would measure elements of brain activity,” researcher of cognitive neurosciences for the Army Research Laboratory John Touryan told The National Interest.
The sensors would be placed in glasses that soldiers wear. The mobile eye-tracking sensors would be equipped with AI-enabled algorithms that scientists are developing. If the eye catches something of interest, Touryan said the brain will receive an electrical response that can then be analyzed.
“When people are visually engaging with the environment, they naturally identify things and objects of interest that are mission or task relevant. We want to know if we can measure that or infer that,” Touryan said.
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