Alison McDowell: the technocratic takeover decoded - Ice Age Farmer podcast

In this stunning Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Alison McDowell, a mother and researcher studying the World Economic Forum’s “4th Industrial Revolution”: the global takeover of industries and public policies by central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats, and billionaire-funded foundations.

Alison is uniquely capable of distilling the agendas at play, the actors involved, and the language they use into real-world terms. Today we do exactly that: digital twinning, human capital bonds, impact investing — these are terms we must understand to appreciate the world the technocrats are constructing, and how digital systems are being constructed using blockchain and AI that will surveil and control everything from your food, your health, your children, and our future.

Video can be accessed at source link below.


By Ice Age Farmer

The natural cycles of the sun and, as a result, the changing climate on our planet, present very real and immediate challenges. Learn about these and the history of previous cycles, and start preparing for the changes. Please SHARE the word with your friends and family to help them understand what's playing out in the world. A simple link can radically change someone's life.

(Source:; May 25, 2021;
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