The Manna Machine - Anicent technological knowledge

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Latest reported mysteries include;

Country: Israel. Place: Sinai Desert, Israel

Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology, Ancient historical records of advanced technological knowledge.


The book entitled “The Kabbalah Unveiled” by S. L. MacGregor Mathers was first published in London in 1887 and has been reprinted and purchased ever since. It is a translation of various parts of the Sohar, an ancient Jewish mystical work, and it contains for the most part descriptions of an entity known as “The Ancient of Days”. According to Gershom Scholem, the world's foremost expert on Kabbalah, the Sohar was originally written around 1290 by Moses de Leon, a Spanish Jew. The Sohar circulated in the Jewish community since then in manuscript and later in printed form.

The “Ancient of Days” consisted in principle of three “skulls”, an outer one containing two others within it, one of which sat on top of the other. In the center of this arrangement was the “main lamp” with a “brightness that exceeded any brightness”. The object had a “beard” whose “hair” grew out of one part of the “face” and back in at another; no body is mentioned, but there is a “strong right arm,” there are “six feet,” and between them “two testicles and a penis.” A substance known as “dew” or “the oil of the great deity” ran down from the upper part of this object to be collected in the “testicles” and finally to run out of the “penis”. Eventually, some possible clues to the function of this “Ancient of Days” were found. He did not speak, did not move by himself, was carried through the desert and placed on various “thrones” that had to be dismantled to the next transport. We learn that its function was to produce manna. Could'nt it have been some kind of machine?

The next question now is: Would it be possible to construct such a machine to produce a basic food using our current know-how – or a possible extrapolation? George Sassoon, Rodney Dale, and Martin Riches suggested that a manna-like substance could be obtained by intensive cultivation of some microscopic aquatic plants such as chlorella, a type of pond weed that reproduces extremely rapidly under appropriate environmental conditions. The main requirements for growth for Chlorella-like organisms are: Water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and light. As for water, the upper part of the “Ancient of Days” consists of a surface that could extract water even from the dry air of the Sinai Desert, accumulating as dew; carbon and nitrogen would be available from the atmosphere and could be obtained for culture by circulating through the “whiskers” (tubes) in contact with the air through a semipermeable membrane. As for light, son the Sohar repeatedly mentions the “main lamp” inside the old one. Furthermore, of course, energy is required. Assuming an Israelite population of 600 families, one arrives at an amount of about 500 kg per day, which would be within the capacity of a small nuclear reactor. Such a reactor could easily convert nuclear energy into light energy, e.g., by using a neutron-charged laser light. Heat would thus also be produced, so that thermoelectric methods of obtaining electricity for controls and other auxiliary functions would be available. In turning algal sludge into edible manna, a cooking process must have been involved, for which the excess heat could be used, as well as for burning waste products. These waste products were secreted from the “nose” of the “Ancient of Days,” an exhaust pipe that caused the column of smoke and fire seen above the tabernacle when the machine was in operation.

With today's technology, it would be absolutely possible for us to produce such a machine to obtain a “superfood” from algae. But where did the ancient Jewish communities get this high-tech knowledge or were even in possession of such a machine?

Gold stamped by Erich Von Däniken, RAMAR invites you to learn more about these and hundreds more mysteries. Please use source link below!


By RAMAR / Research of Ancient Mysteries and Anomalies

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(Source:; October 8, 2021;
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