Rock melting technology at Ramappa Temple, India

Hey guys, today we are going to examine the Ramappa temple which shows some solid evidence of Rock Melting Technology. Here you can see Lord Krishna playing his flute, and his feet is touching a leaf of this tree. And this beautiful woman is leaning on the stem of the tree. What could be the meaning of this?

If Krishna was really playing his flute, the music he made would travel through the tree. If I tap on the stem, it makes a strange metallic sound. This is made of one solid rock, but yet it makes different sounds when tapped in different parts of the tree's stem. Note the difference in sound. And if you tap on other areas of the same rock, there is no sound. Of course, this is not a coincidence, the ancient builders clearly wanted us to know that this cylinder makes musical sounds, this is why they carved the symbol of Krishna playing his eternal musical. But is this structure a carving? All historians and archeologists claim that everything in this temple was manually carved by hard labor. But how do you carve a cylinder on rock that makes music? And even more interesting, how do you carve a cylinder which will make different notes when tapped in different areas? And notice the width of the stem, it has the same width from top to bottom. The different sounds are not created because of the variation of size or shape.

Sculptors and Stone Masons confirm that there is no technology today, to carve a single rock which can make different sounds, when tapped on different areas. But how was such technology used at least 800 years ago, in this temple? The only way to create such different sounds is by altering the density of the rock, by melting the rock and molding it into a desired shape. But is it even possible to melt rocks and make it into different shapes?

In 2016, University of Buffalo demonstrated something strange. They put rocks in a furnace, heated it to over 2500 degree Fahrenheit, and made it into a liquid. In fact, nature does it all the time, it throws out liquid lava whenever there is a volcanic eruption. When scientists at University of buffalo poured this molten rock out, they gathered it into a simple cast made of sand.

You can see the molten rock quickly fills up and takes the shape of the cast. This is exactly how we make metallic objects like swords and weapons for example. Did ancient builders use the same technology of melting rocks and mold it into desired densities, this would be the only way to make it create different sounds in different places.


By Praveen Mohan / Explorer of Ancient Megalithic Sites

Praveen Mohan is an explorer of ancient megalithic sites and appeared on History Channel's Ancient Aliens TV show in September 2016. He has traveled to several countries documenting his findings on YouTube, and his videos have received tens of millions of views. His content has also appeared on TV shows, magazines and other media. Praveen has researched several historic mysteries including ancient Mounds in Ohio, Ellora Caves in India and Machu Picchu in Peru. He has also discovered Out of Place Artifacts which prove the existence of ancient European and even African presence in India.

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(Source:; May 8, 2018;
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