Chicago gang takes over city police force

 Real Community Policing

Jon Rappoport

Over breakfast at the Chicago Palmer House Hotel, I interviewed the new chief of police, James X:

How did you do it? How did you take over the police department?

No one should be surprised. It was a natural outcome.

An outcome of what?

Our growing status. For instance, we have more firepower than the cops.

And the mayor just handed control to you?

She more or less made a declaration.

So now, when your people shoot and kill black people on the South Side, will that cause a problem?

You mean, when we, as the police, shoot people? Well, no one likes to die, but other than that, there’ll be a lot less uproar than you’d see if the regular white cops shot a black man. We’re black, and we’re part of the community.

So this is real community policing.

Exactly. That was part of Mayor Lightfoot’s declaration.

Plus---are you drawing salaries from city funds?

No. That was part of the deal. Defund the cops. We make enough money on our own. Trafficking drugs.

And now, as the police…

Our drug profits will soar. I can show you the numbers. They’re already moving up. A 6.45% increase over the past three weeks.

Will you, as the police, be making arrests for street crimes?

Mostly, no. But that was already the case, before we took over.

So street crimes will continue their upward trend.

It’ll be an interesting study. You see, we can bring down the hammer anytime we want to. Let’s say some dude is doing carjackings on the North Side, upsetting the white folks. We hunt down this punk and kill him. Hang his body on a lamp post. With a sign on it. KEEP THE STREETS SAFE. That’s a good message. A real deterrent.

I see. You’re bringing back order to daily life.

Right. And folks appreciate that. Their police is working for them. The court system loves it. Less clogging with all those suspects. But like I say, we’ll have to do a study on it. We’re bringing in a firm from Palo Alto to crunch the numbers. I predict crime will trend down. Radically. It’s common sense.

How do your bosses feel about you taking over the police department?

Our bosses?

The Mex drug cartels.

Oh. We had a sit-down with them a few months ago, in a neutral site.

Where was that?

San Francisco. Gavin Newsome brokered the meeting.


Yeah. He’s thinking of putting the cartels in charge of the police in Frisco and LA.

How did the meeting go?

Very well. We assured the Mexicans nothing would change as far as trafficking is concerned. Chicago will remain one of the major distribution hubs in the US. We negotiated a 3% hike in our cut.

Do you think you can stimulate the economy in Chicago?

The non-drug economy? Definitely. We’re talking with business owners in the city. Shop keepers. Major corporations headquartered here. They want peace. Fewer murders. Fewer bullets flying around. We can give them that.

By hanging crooks from lamp posts.

We don’t arrest and prosecute criminals. That’s old school. We do messaging. “Here’s an example of what happens to jewelry store thieves.” The guy fell 20 stories from an office building and splattered on a car.


What are you doing with the former cops on the force?

We fired most of them. Gave them a nice stipend. Told them to move out of the city. Some of them now officially work for us.

So SAFE CITY is one of your goals?

Absolutely. We’re launching PR campaigns as we succeed. Letting the rest of the country know about our victories.

Will Chicago continue to be a sanctuary for immigrants?

No. We’re cutting that out. The infrastructure can’t handle it.

What about the homeless population in the city?

That’s a big problem. More jobs is one answer. But see, we’re willing to try things the rest of the city bureaucracy won’t try. For instance, urban farming. We can put lots of those homeless to work growing food in empty lots all over the city. Free food. And we get the working and welfare poor involved, too. As urban farmers. It’s a win-win. These farms would also be businesses, selling their excess to store owners.

You’re going to bring in other city government departments on urban farming?

Hell no. They’re lazy and inefficient. They have no imagination. Our long-term goal is getting rid of thousands of city workers who just sit at desks and shuffle papers and watch porn.

When you say “get rid of”…

We’re not going to kill them. Just fire them.

They won’t like that.

What are they going to do about it? See, when you’re the police and you don’t mass around, you’re basically running the whole city government. The people who sit on their asses all day long are at your mercy.

I suspect you’re going to run into trouble from the federal government.

We understand that. It’s a complicated situation. It’s political. Basically, the whole federal bureaucracy wants screwed-up cities. Like Chicago was until we took over. We think that’s a disingenuous position to take. We don’t like it. And frankly, neither do the banks who launder cartel drug money. So we have allies. Major bankers.


Yes. It is. This federal bureaucracy is a long-term pain in the ass. We plan to do something about it.

You’re going to go up against, say, the FBI and the DEA?

Not directly. Look at it this way. Suppose we can make them an offer they can’t refuse?

Meaning what?

I can’t discuss the details. But we can lighten their caseload. I’ll put it that way. We can free them up to make arrests in other areas. Of course, their present top-level people will have to go. We need a new breed of leaders. Men who can think things through. Practical men. Not politicians.

You’ve been planning your takeover for a long time.

Ever since I was kid watching Law & Order. Those cops and prosecutors never caught on to the mentality of criminals. I grew up with that mentality.

I’m not sure I want to hear about this.

I’m not sure, either. A real criminal reacts to only one thing. He believes he’s going to suffer pain a lot worse than what the justice system can deliver. Show him that and he’ll stop short.

You realize you’re talking about building your own Police State. You might be a “good leader,” but in your ranks there’s somebody who’s a Stalin or a Mao in the making. He’s looking to take you out and occupy your spot. He’s pure evil.

That’s history. That’s the story of this world since the beginning. I can’t change it. I can only remain vigilant. You’ve heard of the World Economic Forum School for future global leaders?


Well, we have our own school. We’re training our future leaders. Tough guys. Smart guys. No psychos allowed. Men who will step up when one of us falls.

Men who are all about business.

That’s right. Here’s my philosophy. You put a limit on evil. You compartmentalize it. We sell drugs. That may be evil, but we don’t want uncontrolled chaos in society. We want Order. Order comes before the Law.

You really think you can make that work?

We’ll see.

So you’ll keep selling fentanyl. Two milligrams is a lethal dose.

I’m working on that issue with the Mexicans. There are lots of other cheap drugs that don’t have that kill rate.

Lots of people would say you’re deluding yourself.

I’m trying. That’s all I can do. People took over this Republic and turned it into a Democracy. Now they’re turning that into a dictatorship. They’re a different kind of gang. I’m a gang reformer.

A revolutionary.

But not like Fidel Castro or Che. I’m a capitalist.

-- Jon Rappoport

(Episode 27 of Rappoport Podcasts -- "The War in the Ukraine; How It Came to This; Tracing the death of PEACE" -- is now posted. It's a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

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By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(Source:; October 19, 2022;
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