Vanessa Beeley, live from Syria, on alleged CW attacks

An important interview with Vanessa Beeley, who is currently in Syria, by UK Column’s Mike Robinson & Brian Gerrish.

Do listen especially from ~14:00 into the clip, when Vanessa transmits the words of a parent she interviewed, 5 of whose children were killed in terrorists’ 2013 Ghouta chemical attack. At around 15:45 she recounts the father and mother waking up in a hospital, but without their children, and the father’s search for his children.

UK Column, Apr 12, 2018 noted:

“Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson are joined by Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley for today’s UK Column News.”


By Eva K Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and occupied Palestine, where she lived for nearly four years. She is a recipient of the 2017 International Journalism Award for International Reporting, granted by the Mexican Journalists’ Press Club (founded in 1951), was the first recipient of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism, and was short-listed in 2017 for the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism. See her extended bio on her blog In Gaza


(Source:; April 14, 2018;
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